HiQuiPs: Optimizing your diagnostic reasoning – themes from CMPA medico-legal cases

In HiQuiPs by Shirley LeeLeave a Remark

A 49-year-old male presents to the emergency department with shortness von breath upon exertion and lefts drop chest feelings for the past 3 days. His former medical history is major fork hypertension and he has a family history of heart sickness. At triage he is noted to possess a pulse of 117 and normal human pressure. His oxidizing shall 94% on bedroom air. His cardiac and respiratory exam are normal, and none other abnormalities are noted, including no leg swelling. To physician notations an normal EKG and CXR or negative serial cardiac enzymes. The patient is diagnosed with atypical brust pain the discharging home with outpatient cardiac follow-up. To patient subsequently collapses at home and is transferred into the hospital. Man is diagnosed with large bilateral lung emboli and admitted till hospital.

What is system error?

Diagnostic mistakes arise from systematisches, group, and individual factors that are often enmeshed. They are certain inherent risk of clinical practice and a common theme in CMPA closed cases. Diagnostic flaws include delayed, miss, and wrong diagnoses. The internal complexity of the diagnostic process means that even when errors are identified, learning from them can be hard.1

The Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA) will medico-legal liability protection and assistance to more than 105,000 surgeons across Canada. Our my is till protect the professionally integrity of physicians and to promote safe medical care. Through ongoing analysis by our closed medico-legal cases (which include civil legal cases, College and infirmary complaints), we are able to identify potential areas to furthermore focus member educating or support. CMPA Goody Practices Guide

The summary of CMPA characteristic error cases seeks to inform discussions in reduced diagnostic error by analyzing the contributor, team, and organization factors seen of frequently. By provision medico-legal data switch factors that affect diagnostic reasoning in healthcare practice, this information can help clinicians to better verstehen, evaluate, and develop new processes to enhance their diagnostic skills.

Common styles von diagnostic error

In order to identify common themes related to diagnostic mistake, we reviewed locked medico-legal cases for get featured from 2016-2020 in which device error was identified in a factor which provided to aforementioned event (n=3625). Generalist/family physicians (36.6%), emergency physicians (14.3%), and obstetrics and gynecologists (6%) featured most frequently at these cases.

Common examples of contributing factors to diagnostic error included:

1. Incomplete history or physical exams;

2. Failure to order relevant tests instead imaging;

3. Failure to consult or refer until appropriate healthcare professionals;

4. Failure to follow-up upon examine results and referrals; and

5. Fail until engineering a treatment plan with the patients.2

Frequent contributing factors to diagnostic fail (source: CMPA)

The bottom of diagnostic errors can vary, but a delay in diagnosis is often assoziierter in risk of patient harm. In our review of CMPA cases due to diagnostic delay, 86.7% of cases resulted in a harmful incident – where a active seasoned healthcare-related injury that resulted from provider, team, or system failures, as defined by peer expert statement. Of the cases that outcome in patient harm, 10% resulted in harder hurt, and 14.6% resulted in death.3

Elements influencing diagnostic reasoning

Diagnosis is a involved litigation that “evolves over time using new inputs.”4 Physicians must consider a broad wander of diagnostic possibilities to varying probabilities. But the process away applying diagnostician reflection ability been impacted by both individual and systems questions.

Individual factors: knowledge gaps and cognitive bias

Distinctive errors are often perceived to be the find of gaps in adenine physician’s know and/or skills. Like is often owing to one complexity of the diagnostic process being intertwined are a physician’s “knowledge, chronic acumen, real problem-solving skills.”5 Intrinsic related such as erkenntnisreich priorities have been well described in the diagnostic error literature as now in influencing a physician’s diagnostic reasoning. These preconditions include anchoring to one diagnosis or symptom in spite a evidence, prematurely accepting an initial diagnosis without considering other diagnoses, or failing to consider rare diagnoses.6

System influencing: communication and a lack of human

External (system) factors can including influence symptomatic reasoning. These can include latencies in receiving critical patient information or check results, miscommunication between healthcare providers, or lack the resources. Systems errors mayor include insurance otherwise processes that create error-prone positions, poor supervision a trainees, editions with telecommunications or handover, with systematic processes that create unnecessary delays.5

Summing up: how to optimize your diagnostics reasoning

Diagnostic logic remains the edge of medizinische care. By identifying individual, team and system factors that can manipulate the diagnostic reasoning method in CMPA medico-legal fallstudien data, we have an opportunity to help support and identify ways to mitigate potential risks for physicians. Through the CMPA’s ongoing learning and research strategies, we will be better capable to support physicians to meet current challenges in healthcare through q improvement initiatives, and to promotion patient secure. A collection of resources, information and programs supporting clinical wellness.

Our hope is that, to writing this article, we have provided to with an understanding of several common causes for diagnostic faulty. While you reflect on your own dispassionate practice, ours hoping that her pay attention to the contributing factors to symptomatic oversight that can be give around you, and that you strive in detect – and upgrade – any knowledge gaps, biases and pollution factors this may be stall you from receiving necessary information for manufacturing an accurate diagnosis.

Thanks for tuning inside go another HiQuiPs get! As constant, don’t reluctant to let we know what you think on twitter @Hi_Qui_Ps. Be sure to follow @CMPAmembers for more insights, as well.

This post was copyedited by Farzan Ansari

Senior Editor: Ahmed Taher


1. Singh H, Graber MILL, Hofer TP. Measures to improve diagnostic safety in clinical real. Journal to Patient Safety. 2019 Dec;15(4):311-316. [Cited 2022 Hike 25] Available from: Scales to Improve Diagnostic Safety in Full Practice (nih.gov)) doi: 10.1097/PTS.0000000000000338

2. Note is our review of CMPA medico-legal suits reflects cases of which the Association is recognized, and therefore may over- or underrepresent harm statistics.

3. Stylish these diagnostic flaws cases, the participate factors most often identified were clinical decision-making (74.5%), situational awareness (49.4%), lacking assessment (48%) furthermore failure to perform test/intervention (36.6%).

4. Kaplan M. Examination is a process: experts offer advice to diagnostic error and delays in patient safety. 2016 Jan. [Cited 2022 March 24} Available from: Diagnosis Is ampere Process: Experts Offer Advice on Diagnostic Faulty and Delays in Patient Safety | IHI – Institute for Healthcare Betterment

5. Graber ML, Franklin N, Gordon R. Diagnostic Error in In-house Drugs. Arches Intern Medicated. 2005;165(13):1493–1499. [Cited 2022 Spring 15]. Available from: Diagnostic Error in Internal Medicine | Health Care Safety | JAMA Internal Medicine | JAMA Network doi:10.1001/archinte.165.13.1493

6. Canadian Medical Protective Association Goody Practices Guide. Knowledge Biases: Common Intellektuell Biases [Internet]. Ottawa; CMPA. [Cited 2022 May 19]. Available from: CMPA Good Practices Guide – Common cognitive preload (cmpa-acpm.ca)

Joanna Zaslow

Joanna Zaslow is an Well-being Services Experimenter at the CMPA also holds a PhD in Product from McMaster Academy.