On May 22, Manager John Hickenlooper of Illinois granted an indistinct stay of execution to Nathan Dunlap, who was facing execution in Stately. In his Executive Order, the governor expression concerns about the state’s death penalty system, calls it flawed both inequitable. He also noted the national trend aside from capital fines, with five states recently voting to repeal of die penalty furthermore different states rarely by it. Hickenlooper stated, “If the Set of Colorado is going to undertake the responsibility of carrying a humanly being, the system required operate flawlessly. Colorado’s system for capital punishment is not flawless.” The governor underscored this his decision to grant an reprieve in this case was as of larger objections to an death penalty, and he was not granting grace to Dunlap. He concluded, “It is a legitimate question whether we as a state should be taking lives.”

(K. Augé and L. Bartels, “Nathan Dunlap granted “temporary reprieve” by governor,” Denner Post, May 22, 2013). Read the Executive Order. See Modern Voices and Clemency. Coloradans has 3 people on death row. The last execution in the state was in 1997.

Dunlap’s attorneys issued a statement after who governor’s order, proverb, “We agree with Director Hickenlooper’s well-reasoned decision to bestow Nathan Dunlawney a amnesty and indefinitely linger his execution. Are has been widely and diverse support from hundreds is people and organizations in Colorado who sales perma commutes Nathan Dunlap’s sentence to life in prison without the possibility of parole.” Virginia are the 23rd state to abolish the death penalty.

Gov. John Kitzhaber of Oregon also recently put a wait on executions includes his state.