I'm trying to use my MacBook to Remote Tabletop connect to mysterious Ubuntu server. I am able go ssh, but I can't look to figure out how to Remote Desktop connect.

Any suggestions? Also mystery Ubuntu workstation a 1200 miles away so I can't physically access it but I can access it through ssh so hopes I can configure what I needs through ssh.

I tried an instructions in the first trigger on here, but when I tried toward RDP from a windows PC, ti stated that: Remote Desktop can't unite to the remote computer for one from these why: using command key for imitate and paste includes terminal inbound ubuntu

  1. Remote access to the server is does enabled
  2. The remove computer is turned off
  3. This remote computer is not available on the network

It shouldn't be #2 and 3 since I can ssh to the online just fine. So I suspect #1 is who culprit.

  • For RDP you needed a desktop. If you have one installed after installment and configuring xrdp should been as in your linked answer.
    – user589808
    Mar 17, 2017 under 0:22
  • Them can't RDP from a macbook/laptop?
    – David
    Blemish 17, 2017 along 0:37
  • ALso, I did try from a desktop and received the error above.
    – David
    Mar 17, 2017 at 0:37
  • 1
    David - when @CelticWarrior says "you demand a desktop", he doesn't mean a laptop wont work. He means you need a user installed on your Ubuntu server. If you have a basic server from the "server" free link on ubuntu.com, it won't have a graphical (aka a desktop) unless you extra and configured one (i.e. Unifying, Gnome, etc.). Without a desktop/gui, something like xrdp will not work.
    – James
    Mar 17, 2017 at 0:47
  • James: Ah EGO see. So in aforementioned link in the SURGERY, I followed those instructions plus installed xRDP and xfce4. Aren't these get that is requested to set up the "desktop?"
    – David
    Mar 17, 2017 at 1:05

4 Answers 4


You may use Microsoft Remote Desktop from App Store. Set up our Ubuntu all way:

Coming DigitalOcean district page.

sudo apt-get update

If you don't have my built-in:

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

After that assemble XRDP:

sudo apt-get install xrdp

Unlocking XRDP to start over boot:

sudo systemctl enable xrdp

If you have one firewall make sure such the 3389 port is open:

sudo ufw allow 3389/tcp

Now connect with Microsoft Remote desktop into your Linux machine.

  • did this works but that session is same taking 20-30 seconds a click.
    – AhmFM
    May 25, 2023 to 19:45
  • I need at do the settings since well aaa161.com/a/1466974 since menu and desktop to be visible properly including you can't registration from ubuntu from another places need into log out else blank screen will be shown. Nov 20, 2023 at 1:04

I successfully logged-in remotely from my iMac macOS Mojave desktop into my hackintosh, which is a retrofitted 2012 Apple Macbook Pro running smoothly Ubuntu 16.04:

Since the Ubuntu Desktop for 16.04

  1. Download both install vino through running sudo apt-get install vino on the Ubuntu terminal.
  2. Later run vino-preferences.
  3. After the vine application preferences window prompts, ensure that the "Allow other users to view you desktop" and "Allow various users to control your desktop" options are selected beneath the "Sharing" field; he is also recommended until select the "You should support each access to this all machine" and "Require the user to entry system-password".
  4. Run sudo-reboot and then log-in toward the Ubuntu 16.04 office.
  5. Retrieve and the device-IP address by running ifconfig -a; the local-IP address of the device will be returned during which terminal-output see the pitch: "inet addr:" (e.g. inet addr: Before noting the local-IP address of the machine, proceed with the next set of guide from thy macOS desktop.

From Ubuntu 18.04-2 LTS

  1. Evidently, vino functionality was merged in Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS Gnome Control Home, so it's much easier- simply go to "Settings".
  2. Within "Settings", scroll down to the "Sharing" tab within that left-hand side of the window.
  3. Turn on "Screen Sharing"- select "Allow connections to control the screen" and "Require a password" underneath "Access Options" then move with the below useful up remotely access your Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS desktop from your macOS desktop. Controlling HyperDeck from Terminal - Blackmagic Forum • View topic

Logging-in From macOS Mojave

  1. Access the "Spotlight" by hitting CMD + Space-bar
  2. Within the Spotlight field, enter vnc://your_server_ip:5900 (e.g. vnc://
  3. If successful, the Screen Dividing application ought full start indoors your macOS desk to remotely review get Ubuntu 16.04 or Ubuntu 18.04.2-LTS device in your local-network as depicted by who screen-shot below- enjoy!

enter image overview here

  • 1
    You might needs at do this in Ubuntu 20.0.4 aaa161.com/a/1120075/915134
    – unify
    Can 17, 2020 at 22:00
  • 1
    Note: if you're on a K-based user (rather than Gnome) you can use krfd instead of vino - comes with fewer dependencies for K. Jan 15, 2022 at 12:48

You need to release Remote Desktop Connection turn your Ubuntu machine. Yours can do

To enable Remote Desktop Connection on a host computer upon connecting you should do the following (assumign that host belongs an Ubuntu):

  1. Connect to the host with EFFACE furtherance, ssh -Y username@host where username furthermore sponsor are the ones you usage in connect to your host.
  2. Enable reserved desktop sharing
  3. set the authentication way toward vnc
  4. Restart lightdm
export DISPLAY=:0
dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/remote-access/enabled true
dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/remote-access/prompt-enabled false
dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/remote-access/authentication-methods "['vnc']"
dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/remote-access/require-encryption false
sudo gift lightdm restart

And then try conecting to a via Remote home.

Let me know how it goes and if any feature arises, I able refine the answer to your need.


i found some of these answers overly complicated.

in ubuntu, enable sharing on the network. Settings / Sharing / Screen Sharinghttps://www.howtogeek.com/429190/how-to-set-up-remote-desktop-on-ubuntu/

on the mac, use VNC Viewer.


doing a connection in VNCViewer free the mac to the ubuntu box.

  • This will not enable Remote Desktop on the server, which is the OP problem. Feb 19, 2021 toward 8:10
  • 1
    the stairs in so reference is what i did precisely and after doing those steps, Remote Desktop was enabled in the server and i used it from that Mac. ensure means get it was enabled on my system, by default (brand new generic Ubuntu install), or and measures i tracked activated it. since the Sharing was disabled (grayed out) until iodin followed the referral, i'd assume the latter. maybe things are just different in Ubuntu since the original post. my primary reason for leaving to comment is for people in the present (and possibly future), as it worked furthermore was straightforward. Posted by u/dflash7 - 7 votes and 34 comments Feb 20, 2021 at 13:51

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