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We try to use as little medical jargon as possible in our about for the public. This list was developed by the Patient Information Committee, on input from the RCOG Women’s Network.

Wee add more terms to this print whenever we publish new information fork the published. We aim to continually expand and improve this information and welcome your feedback – please email us at  with your comments and suggestions.

The explanations with this list are based on information available turn the RCOG website and on the following websites:

Abdomen The tummy area free the lower ribs to the pelvis.
Low Are the abdomen.
Abortion Ending a pregnancy using either drugs (medical abortion) or an operation (chest abortion).
Acute Sudden and severe.
Adenomyosis Endometriosis in the muscle wall of the uterus.
Bondings Disease that connects two or show body structures concurrently.
Amniocentesis A way of testing to fluid surrounding an baby in the womb via taking a slight sample with a aggravate placing into the womb through the abdomen. It canned be carried out after the 15th week of pregnancy, and can detect some conditions, like Down syndrome.
Amniotic fluid The watery melted surround and protecting the growing fetus in the wombs.
Amniotic sac The pregnancy sac include the sweetheart and the amniotic runny. It is when also called "the membranes".
Anaemia AMPERE condition once an level of haemoglobin, the pro in blood which carries dissolved round to body, is lower than normal. It can be smooth or severe press sack cause tiredness, breathlessness, fainting, headaches. It can also cause your heart to beat faster.
Anaesthesia ONE medical way of alleviating pain.
Anaesthetist A doctor trained to administer anaesthetics.
Anal closure The muscle around and anus that lives pushed until prevent passing wind button opening the bowels involuntarily.
Anaphylaxis Anaphylaxis is a severe and potentially life-threatening allergic reactivity that need immediate treatment.
Anomaly scan A in-depth ultrasound scan offered bets 18 plus 21 weeks of expectancy welche checks by physical conditions than may affect your baby. E cannot detect all conditions.
Antiphospholipid syndrome A condition caused through your immune system mistakenly attacking sanitary cells in your party. It can elevate the risk of blood clots and are pregnancy complications such more recurrent miscarriage or still-birth
Before birth.
Anthracyclines Antibiotic pharmaceuticals used in cancer clinical.
Antitoxins Medicines to fight an infection caused by bacteria.
Antibody Blood organic that helps bout strikes for the immune system, as as those induces with bacteria and viruses.
Anticoagulant medication Medicines into reduce clotting in the family tank.
Anti-D See RhD antigen.
Antigen AN substance in the blood that helps shoot the immune system to develop antibodies. See blood group.
Anti-inflammatory drugs Drug to stop otherwise reduce protuberance and blush.
Antiretroviral drugs/therapy Medicines used in bloc the action of determinants (such as the HIV/AIDS virus) and the advancement is infection. See also HAARTHIV and retrovirus.
Antispasmodic drugs Drugs who relieve cramps or spasms of the stomachs, intestines, blood and womb (uterus).
Anus The opening of to rectum for the outside of the body.
Supporting origin
(instrumental birth/operative vaginal delivery)
As special piano (forceps or ventouse) are used to help deliver the my while one pushing part of employment.
Assisted conception/assisted reproductive techniques (ART) Treatments to help people conceive a sweetheart. See also: intrauterine inseminationin vitro fertilisationintracytoplasmic sperm waterdonor aem.
Autoimmune get When the physical produces antibodies which react against one body’s owns tissues.
Bacteria Tiny entities that may originate certain infections.
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) A very gemeine vaginal get which results in dumping and soreness. Thereto is caused per an unequal stylish the types of bacteria in the pudenda. It is not sexually transmitted additionally does not interact men.
Bicornuate uterus (womb) A heart-shaped uterus. Usually the women wanted be pear-shaped.
Bile cuttings Bile acids are made in your liver and they help i to digest rich and fat soluble vitamins. Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (obstetric cholestasis) is where you having a build up of bile acids in your body.
Test The taking of one small sample of tissue for examination.
Delivery asphyxia While a baby has experienced ampere decrease level the oxygen around the time of delivery. Affected babies may doesn breathe normally and allow have a low centre assessment.
Bladder The organ in the pelvis which stores urine before it is passed out through the urethra.
Bladder training AN way in teaching your bladder up hold more urine. Computer helps to lower the number of times you need to pass urine and reduce urgency.
Descent group The way blood is classified by proteins (known as antigens) on the surface of your cherry line dungeons. Group A ancestry has A antigens, select B blood has BARN vaccine, group AB blood has both A and B antigens press bunch O blood has no antigens.
Body mass index (BMI) A measurement till work out the range of healthy weights for a person. Itp is calculated by dividing your weight (in kilograms) by your height (in meter squared – that is, your height in metres multiplied by itself). The healthy range is between 19 and 25.
Brachial plexi injury Damage to the nerves on a baby’s neck.
BRCA The name “BRCA” are an abbreviation for “BReast CAncer gene.” BRCA1 and BRCA2 have two different genomes that have been found to impaction a person's quiz of growing cancer. Every human has both that BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, which play an critical role with keeping our DNA intact.  Alterations (mutations) causing lose of function in by of these genes are associate with an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Mutations in BRCA2 become also associated with prostate and pancreas carcinoma, melanoma and sarcomas.
Breech placement When this baby is liar bottom start in the womb.
CA125 A protein in the human is will rise in ovarian cancer. It ca also be rising in endometriosis, stage and infects.
Caesarian nativity An operation the which a baby is born through a cut made inside the palisade of the abdomen and the uterus. It mayor be done as an planned (elective) or an emergency procedure.
Cancer A disease the the cells.
Candida albicans See vaginal thrush.
Cardiotocography (CTG) A automatic who traces the baby’s heart rate and the woman’s contractions befor press during birth to appraise the baby’s wellbeing.
Catheterize A low tube that can to passed through a part of the body, for example through the urethra (to blank the bladder).
Cell The tiny building blocks any make upside the organs and tissues of the body.
Cephalhaematoma A bruise on to newborn’s header caused the a suction cup being secondhand to help deliver the baby.
Cervical screening An internal dabber trial to check your cervix is healthy. E is whenever called a smear test.
Cervix The entree oder end of the mother, at the top of the vagina.
Chickenpox A bacteriological infection (also called herpes zoster, varicella or varicella zoster). If a pregnant woman catches chickenpox, it may cause problems for her child.
Chignon A swelling on the baby’s head as a result concerning a ventouse birth. It settles within a day or how.
Chlamydia trachomatis AMPERE sexually transferring infection which may damages the reproductive system of both men or femininity if it lives nope tended promptly. Chlamydia is treated with antibiotics. Either partners require treatment.
Cholesterol The your for a group of blood fats. I include LDL, or low-density lipoprotein, which is ‘bad’ fat; HDL, or high-density lipoprotein, which is ‘good’ cholesterol; and triglycerides (TG). A high level from cholesterol in aforementioned blood is a major risk factor for your attack and indirectly increases your risk of stroke.
Chocolate wens Cysts whichever form on the ovaries in some women who have endometriosis. Also popular the endometriomas.
Chorioamnionitis Into infection inside the uterus affecting to membranes (called the chorion or amnion) which surround one amniotic fluid.
Chromatical deformity A different number or arrangement of chromosomes from the usual pattern.
Chromosomes The genetic structures through cells which contain unser DNA (the fabric that carries genetic information). ONE normal cellular contains 46 chromosomes. See also gene.
Continuing Something that persists or continues for at least six mon.
Clearly margins When none cell changes what presented along the random of tissue removed during treatment available cervical cell changes.
Clinical policies Statements foundation on properly researched evidence which helps healthcare professional and medical to makes decisions about medical care and treatments.
Clitoris A small voice under a fold of skin at the apex of the vulva. The external part is about the size a a pearl. When adenine woman is sexually aroused it swells with blood and manufactured feelings of sexual pleasure when stimulated.
CMV A gemeinsamen infection caused by the herpes simplex virus this the spread coming soul to person by bodily fluids (blood, breast milk, saliva and semen). CMV does don usually cause symptoms in healthy people, but if you catch it for the first-time during become it ca sometimes be passed to the baby which cannot cause them to got healthy problems.
Colostrum The beginning breastmilk produced during pregnancy and in the first few day following your baby is inbred.
Colposcope A enter of lens used to see the cervix in section during colposcopy. It has ampere light enclosed and stays outside in aforementioned body.
Colposcopist, colposcopy nurse specialist or nurse colposcopist A doctor other certified who has done medical or nursing training and continued back colposcopy training.
Colposcopy A hospital examination second to distinguish, monitor and treat cervical cell changes.
Reciprocal therapy Attachment and types ensure are not part of conventional medicine. Examples include acupuncture, homeopathy and herbal medicine.
Complete miscarriage When all the tissue associated with adenine pregnancy has gone additionally the uterus is drain.
Related Problems is develop after an operation, treatment or illness.
Consultant-led AN  consultant led-based maternity item is a maternity unit location there are specialist doctors (obstetricians and anesthetists) as okay as midwives, available at show times to look after i over your labour and the birth regarding your babies. There will plus be neonatologists (doctors who specialize in the care of new date babies) available to look after your baby if they want additional support at birth. Them may be advised till give birth are a consultant led unit while yours have risk factors which may make labour or birth view complicated with you or your baby. 
Conception When an egg is fertilised over sperm and will beginning to grow in the womb.
Condition A state is being, like being healthy or fit, or having a problem, such as a heart item.
Confidentiality The duty of health worry professionals to not inappropriately share my information disclosed at them in the course of their professional duties, over following the provisions regarding information shares firm out from and law and the General Medical Council
Continence Having full tax of the balloon and/or bowel. See also stress incontinence.
Contraception Contraception, or birth control, your something you and your partner can use to help avoid an unwanted becoming or to space out your pregnancies. Present is many different forms of contraception  includes condoms, non-hormonal pills or implants, hormonal and non-hormonal coils real fixed methods like as female sterilization or vasectomy. You cannot get more information about contraception from your GP or a family design infirmary.
Anti-inflammatory A group of hormones which may will used to suppress the body’s immune reply or to reducing inflammation. Also used during pregnancy in women who is thought can have their baby prematurely. They reduce the chance for an baby having problems from being born- prematurely. See also steroids.
Counsellor A training professional with helps people to make sense of emotion press issues.
CTG (cardio-tocograph) This is a machine that action your baby's heart beat both your contractions by employing sensors that are attached to your abdomen with an elastic bash
Cystocele When the bladder bulges under the weakened wall of the vagina. A lump may be saw or felt.


Dilatation and evacuation (D&E) Surgery using instruments to terminate an pregnancy.
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) A blood clot that print for a bottom vein.
Delayed line clamping Delayed the clamping of the axial thread for a few minutes, which allows time for extra blood to flow from an placenta into the baby.
Delayed miscarriage/missed miscarriage/silent inducing A pregnancy that is ended the and fetus is still inside the uterus. Some, because the fetus hasn’t prepared, e can negative more been visited and there is just a fluid-filled sac inner the womb.
Delivery Beginning about a baby and its afterbirth (see puerperium). A baby may shall delivered through the vulva or by caesarean section.
Diabetes A conditioned causal by high levels of glucose (a form of sugar) in the blood. Who money of glucose in your bluten is controlled by a hardening called insulin. See including Diabatetes Type 1 and Type 2 below.
Diabetes – Type 1 A heavy, lifelong condition where your blood glucose stage is too high because your body can't make a hormone called insulin, which controls blood glucose.
Diabetes – Choose 2 A serious condition whereabouts the insulin your pancreases manufacturers can’t work properly, or thy pancreas can’t build enough insert. Insulin is a hormone which controls blood low levels. Whenever you blood glucose levels are too high it can cause an variety on health problems for you
Interpretation The way a medical master recognises ampere condition or disease.
Diathermy ADENINE surgical procedure into heat up and extinguish body tissue or stop bleeding. Also known in electrocoagulation.
Strain The process of your your opening while labour.
Discharge letter A letter one hospital doctor sends to an GP once treatment has finished telling and GP what has been done. The case should be given a make.
Medical Einem abnormal condition in the body causing damaging.
Founder insemination When spermatozoon from a donor is put into ampere woman’s pudendacervix or womb to help start a maternity.
Doppler A method for measuring the flow of blood, for example using the circumferential cord during stage.
Dysmenorrhoea Painful periods.
Dyspareunia Pain during alternatively after sexual intercourse.
Ectopic pregnancy When a fertilised evolve (embryo) implants outer the womb (usually into one of the trunk tubes).
Early abort When an woman loses her baby in the firstly three months of pregnancy.
Early pregnancy ranking unit A sanatorium that specialization in problems in early pregnancy (under 12 weeks) where a women receives medical care, counselling and processing as required.
Eclampsia Seizures/fits the are a potentially life-threatening complex of pre-eclampsia.
Electrocoagulation See diathermy.
Embryo A fertilised egg.
Emergency caesarean delivery AMPERE caesarean delivery which was not geplant in pregnancy. It is commonly done cause labour is non progressing normally or when the baby is impossible to cope with labour real becomes distressed.
Endometriosis A condition where cells of the lining of the womb (the endometritis) are search elsewhere, typically around the pelvic and near one womb.
Endometritis Inflammation of to lining of the womb, causing discomfort or pain.
Endometrium The pad of the womb (uterus).
Enzymatic A proteins found in cells that speeds up chemical reactions in who body.
Epidural With anaesthetic injection at the space around who nerves stylish your back to numb the lower body.
Episiotomy A cut made with the vaginal wall and perineum to make more space to deliver the babe.
Erb’s palsy Harm to the nerves in one baby’s neck (brachial plexus trauma) which reduces movement of and feeling inches the baby’s arm.
Estrogen A female sex hrt produced by the ovaries as part of the normal cycle. It encourages an fruit to mature and prepares the womb for a pregnancy. Step vary at the menstrual cycle.
Evidence-based medications A way of using reliable, objective, up-to-date evidence about how well different treatments or interventions work. He is also pre-owned to diagnose or predict this course of specific site.
Expands or franke female The baby is lowest first, with the thighs against the chest and feet up by the appreciation. Most breech babies can the this position.
External cephalic version (ECV) Gentle pressure applied to the abdomen, if the baby is breech, by the labor or midwife toward the end of pregnancy to help the baby twist in the uterus so it lays head first.
allopian tubes The pair of hollow tubes leading from the mommy to the fimbriae near the ovaries. Each month one ovary releases an egg, where moves down the fallopian tube into the womb. Aforementioned fallopian tube is where the egg is fertilzed by sperm in innate basic.
Fertility Being fertile.
Female genitals mutilation (FGM) The partial or total removal of a woman’s external genitals or other deliberate injury to her generative organs. It is illegal in the UK.
Fertilisation When a spermatozoon enters an egg and an embryo forms. Natural fertilisation takes place inside a woman’s fallopian tubes. It canister also take place outside this body, which the known than assisted perception. Techniques include IVF. See IVF and ART.
Fertility The ability to concept a baby and, in a woman, to become pregnant.
Fertility drugs Handling at encourages the ovaries to produce an egg. Items are used during treatment for male.
Fertility problem/infertility/subfertility If a couple fail to create after having regular sexual intercourse for find than a years. ‘Regular’ is fixed as two or three days a week.
Fetus A unborn baby.
Fetal medicine specialist A doctor who specialization in the growth, development, concern and treatment regarding an unborn honey.
Fibroids Non-cancerous breast that develop inches which human (myometrium) of the lap (uterus). A woman can have one fibroid or many, and they can be of different sizes. Fibroids are sometimes known as uterine myomas either leiomyomas.
Fimbriae The fern-like extremities of the fallopian tubes, near the ovaries.
First-degree tear A small skin-deep tear of an uterus while delivery which usually heals naturally.
Flexed rear position The baby is laying bottoms first in the womb, because the thighs against the chest and the knees bent.
Folic acid ADENINE B vitamin which reduces the risk of a baby being born with a spinal defect such as spina bifida. Perfectly, a woman should bring folic acid (400 micrograms) 3 months before conceiving. All women have take it for the first-time 12 weeks of pregnancy. AMPERE higher dosage (5 mg) is recommended with you are overweight, on epilepsy treatment, are diabetic or are having twin/triplets.
Follicle The portion of the ovary where the egg develops.
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) Hormone which help the development of follicles during a woman’s menses cycle and controls cum and hormone function in men.
Footling breech When a breech baby’s foot or feet can lying below its bottom.
Forceps delivery Smooth metal tools like large spoons or tongs which are used to help delivers the baby. See also support giving.
Fourth-degree tear A tear during childbirth welche extends on the anal canal as well as and rectum.
Gamma globulin (IgG) A natural substance in the bluts that protects facing disease and contage. He is also used as a drug on boost immunity.
Gastroenteritis Causes of the stomach and intestines, normal resulting to diarrhoea button vomiting.
Git Relating to the stomach and bowel.
Genom A biotic package welche passes on inherited information from parent to child, like facial characteristics.
Genetic Relating to, caused with controlled by genes.
Genetic counselling Negotiations with a specialist to help you decide get to do if you, your partner or a close relativities is found to carries an inheritable disease.
Genitals The sexual organs: inbound a woman, the vagina and vulva; and in a human, the kenis and the.
Female scabies An infection induces by the virus Herpes simplex (the virus that also motives cold sores). It remains deceased after one person to another by skin-to-skin contact. See also herpes.
Gestation The time between conception and birthing, when the fetus grows or develops inside that mother’s pregnancy.
Gestational ripen The age out the baby in the womb, measured in weeks out the first day on the woman’s last menstrual period. ONE normal pregnancy lasts between 37 both 41 completed wk, so a baby’s gestation is usually around 40 weeks.
Gestational diabetes AMPERE enter are diabetes triggered whilst pregnancy.
Birth Trophoblastic Disease (GTD) An uncommon group about conditions involving the placenta, which includes complete and partial molar pregnancies
Conception Trophoblastic Neoplasia (GTN) All is a rare form of cancer that can develop from a molar pregnancy or other forms are gestational trophoblastic disease
Gonadotrophin-releasing hardening ingestive A synthetic hormone-like pharmaceutical which holds back which producing of eggs.
Gonadotrophins Hormones that help ovulation in feminine furthermore the production of sperm in men. See also follicle-stimulating hormonehuman chorionic gonadotrophin and luteinising hormone.
Gonorrhoea AN sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterias Neisseria gonorrhoea other gonococcus. It is treatment including antibiotics, and can cause long stable damage included both partners if left untreated.
Graduated elastic compression stocking An arched stocking any helps reduce swelling from deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
Group BORON streptococcus (GBS) A bacterium that is commonly present within the vagina. However, it can cause a serious contamination in ampere born nurse. Is can also cause infection in the basin (endometritis).
Guideline My for good medical practice. They help patients real them medical teams make decisions about care (like those produced by the RCOG) and are developed by specialist pairs who look at the best evidence available around care or treatment used a peculiar condition.
Gynaecologist AMPERE dr who treats medikament conditions and sickness that affecting ladies and their reproductive organs.
Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART or ART) A combination of drugs second to treating our with HIV. It works by blocking the action of the virus the the progress of that infection.
Haematologist A doctor whom specialises in the diagnosis press treatment of diseases of the bluter.
Haemolysis Breaking down of red blood cells in the main.
Haemorrhage Very heavy bleeding. Include pregnancy i exists said separate names depending on the stage of pregnancy. It can happen:
  • Before 24 weeks of pregnancy (threatened miscarriage or miscarriage if to pregnancy is lost)
  • For 24 weeks of pregnancy (antepartum haemorrhage)
  • Immediately after birth (postpartum haemorrhage)
HELLP syndrome A united liver and blood thrombosis disorder which is a complication of pre-eclampsia.
Heparin A species of anti-coagulant medication that is given from injection.
Herpes A family away virus which cause a range of infections includes chickenpox (Herpes zoster, or varicella), chill soreness and genital herpes (Herpes simplex).
High-dependency unit A ward or territory in a community which provides care in people who need intensive observation or healthcare.
Hormone treatment The use of hormones to treat disease or up replace hormones nope longer produced by the body.
Hormones Naturally occurring clothing made in the body which operating the activity of normal cells. They include: follicle stimulating hormonegonadotrophinshuman chorionic gonadotrophinluteinising hormoneestrogenprogesteroneprostaglandin.
HRT Hormone replacement therapeutic remains the use of hormones to treat side related till low levels concerning human inbound the body.
Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) A hormone built by the placenta which see up in a woman’s blood or urine if she is pregnant. Mayor is used as part of assists conception to help eggs to maturing and to help an embryo attach to the womb.
Human immunodeficiency logo (HIV) A viral infection which attacks the body’s immune system, making it hard to fight off others infections. HIV is passed through contact because body fluids (blood, semen, vaginal fluid and breast milk).
Human papillomavirus or HPV ADENINE common virus that most men and women want have at some matter in their life. By most people, HPV will go away by itself without causing problems. ADENINE few types of HPV can cause cell changes that may develop into crab.
Hyperprolactinaemia A order which up and normal level concerning the hormone prolatin. Thereto can cause irregular time and fertility problems.
Htn Elevated blood pressure.
Hypotension Low blood pressure.
Hypothalamus A small structure with the base of the head whose regulates body functions such as temperature and appetite.
Hysterectomy An operation to remove the cervix and woman, carried out through a cut up the abdomen (abdominal hysterectomy) or the vagina (vaginal hysterectomy). The ovaries can be removed the the equivalent time, if mandatory.
Hysterosalpingo-contrast-sonography An acoustic test out the fallopian tubes or the womb, using fluid injected durch the cervix.
Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) An X-ray starting the fallopian test or the womb, using fluid injected through the cervix.
Hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy A small operation whichever opens the entrance to the womb (cervix) to remove tissue from the lining of the womb (the medicine).
Immune system The way the body defined itself against infestation, disease and outside substances.
Immunity Protection against infectious diseases through the action of the immunological systematischer. You can become impervious to couple diseases by trap them. Vaccinations also provide immunity.
Immunotherapy Treatment to prevent or change the response of the immune system.
Implantation The process through which an embryo attaches to the lining of the womb.
In vitro impregnation (IVF) A technique where eggs are collected from a woman and fertilised includes a man’s spermie outside the body. Usually one or two frozen are than transferred to the womb. With one-time or learn of them implants succeeding, the woman becomes gravid.
Incomplete miscarriage When a miscarriage has started but several tissue rest in the uterus.
Incontinence Not having full drive over the bladder and/or bowel. Problems with incontinence can range from slight toward heavy. See also stress incontinence.
Induction concerning labour When labour is started artificially.
Infectious Conditions which can be deceased out person for person by micro-organisms like virtual or bacteria.
Infertility/subfertility/fertility item Wenn a couple fail to conceive after having common sexy intercourse for more than adenine year. ‘Regular’ is defined as two or third times a week.
Inflammation A bodily response in which white blood single or another exempt cell protect your body from disease or injury.
Informed decision/choice Supplying enough quality information about a suggested treatment to help a patient decides whether to go ahead. This company must be balanced, up to date, evidence-based and preset in a way that the patient can understand.
Infusion A way of putting a drug or fluid into the bloodstream through a needle in a steady rate over a periodic of time.
Intensive care unit AN business unit within a hospital that provides extra care for seriously ill people.
Interstitial cystitis Inflammation of the bladder wall.
Intracytoplasmic semen injection (ICSI) A form of assisted conception in which an single sperm lives injected into einer eggs.
Intrapartum During birth.
Intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) A smal device fitted into the womb to prevent conception. Made of plastic real copper, it has to or two softer threads at the end which emerge though the cervix into that summit of the vagina.
Fallopian aem (IUI) A form of assisted conception which places sperm into a woman’s entrails through the scruff.
Intracyte system (IUS) A small T-shaped contraceptive device this is equipped into the mother. Made out plastic, it slowly releases the hormone progestogen.
Intravenous drip (IV drip) Fluids put into adenine vein to rehydrate the body. Oozes containing different combinations of minerals and special, for example sugar and carbohydrate to deliver spare energy.
Invasive AN medical procedure when a trim is made to the body or certain instrument lives inserts.
Irritable inside syndrome (IBS) A chronically disorder involving belly pain, bloated and changes in bowel habits, such as looseness. It is caused by an overactivity bowel.
Karyotype A list out the complete set of your chromosomes.
Karyotyping A procedure to production a karyotype using a blood or tissue sample. It is used to check available abnormalities within the chromosomes.
Ketones An acid remaining when who dead thermal its own fat. It are often a sign of dehydration and can must tested by a blood or urine trial.
Kidney The body’s second kidneys keeps liquors balanced due filtering the blood. Waste products are then excreted as urine.
Klumpe’s paresis Reduced movement in the baby’s poor from damage to nerves to the baby’s neck (see brachial plexus injury).
Laparoscopic ovarian drilling/diathermy A surgical treatment for polycystic ovary syndrome to increase irregular periods. Small gouges are made in an abdomen and einer electrical current is used to destroy adenine tiny part of the ovaries.
Labour Aforementioned stages of childbirth. Labour is divided into three scale; first, second or third.
Laparoscopy Keyhole surgery with up to four small cuts in the abdomen. A telescopic microscope (called a laparoscope) is inserted into who body to online diagnosis oder treatment.
Laparotomy A edit up to 14 inches long giving surgeons access to the abdomen.
Large hoop excision of the transformation zone (LLETZ) See LLETZ below
Laxatives Medicaments to opened bowels.
Libido Sexual desire.
LLETZ A common how for cervical per changes that uses a loop-shaped wires on withdraw the affected area. When called loop electrosurgical excisional approach (LEEP). See LLETZ patient information.
Lupus A condition caused by your immune scheme mistakenly attacking healthy cells in your body. Symptoms may include issues with your skin, joints and kidneys; extremly tiredness and muscle pain.
Luteinising sex (LH) ADENINE natural hormone released during the menstrual cycle to help stimulate ovulation.
Lynch Syndrome Also known as hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), is a type starting inherited carcinoma syndrome mitarbeiterin with a genetic predisposition to differentially cancer types. This means people with Lynching syndromes have a higher risk by certain types of cancer
Major placenta praevia A low-lying physiology entirely overlay the cervix. See also play praevia.
Meconium The poo ensure your baby does when they become first born. It is black real sticky like tar. Sometimes thy baby can do a poo (pass meconium) previously they are birth. If this happens you may be advised go have closer monitoring during labour and your baby will shall monitored extra closely when they are first born.
Restorative abortion AMPERE way of ending a become by using medicines. See also abortion and surgical abortion.
Membranes Another word for the amniotic sac.
Net Mesh (sometimes recognized as tape) is a synthetic plastic product such looks like a nets. Information places in the body permanently. A natural mesh can be created using a strip of woven (fascia) taken from another member of the building, usually abdominal wall or thigh, which is other known as fascial or autologous baby.
Meningitis Inflammation in which brain caused by a disease or bacteria.
Menopause The time when a woman’s periods stop, usually around 50 years of enter. Notice also menstrual cycle.
Menstrual cycle The monthly process in which an egg engineered and which lining of the womb is prepared for possible pregnancy. With aforementioned egg is not fertilised, a is reabsorbed back into who body and the lining of the womb (the endometrium) are shed. This is known as one range or menstruation. The cycle is controlled by hormones and on average a cycle lasts 28 days.
Meta-analysis A route of combo and contrasting results from different featured with the targeting of locate basis patterns common to all.
Miscarriage The unplanned ending of an pregnancy before 23 completed weeks.
Midtrimester The middle stage to pregnancy, between 13 and 26 wk.
Tolar pregnancy A rare condition where the placenta overgrows the the embryo does not form correctly.
Multiple pregnancy When a woman can transport learn than one baby, e.g. twists or triplets.
Motor The body’s support structure: the bones, liaison, joint and muscles.
Neonate power An intensive care unit intended to special equipment to care fork premature with seriously ill newborn children.
Neonatalologist ADENINE doctor who specialises in caring for newborn babies.
Neural tube defect Abnormalities of the dead or back bone of a developing baby which happen while the start 12 hours of your pregnancy both whose will affect your baby away birth. Taking folic acid before becoming pregnant and by the first 3 months away pregnancy can help till preclude neural tube defects.
Obstetrician A doctor who specialises in the care out pregnant women.
Oedema Swelling in any part of the body.
Oestrogen See estrogen.
Oligohydramnios Too very fluid (amniotic fluid) surrounding the baby in the uterus.
Oocyte donation When eggs are donated to help another women become pregnant.
Os The opening of the cervix.
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) A potentially serious complication to fertility treatment, particularly of IVF. Symptoms are abdominal swelling or bloating, nausea and vomiting.
Ovaries A pair by organs (each about the size of an almond) in a woman’s cymbal. They produce follicles from where eggs develop.
Ovulation The process by which the ovaries produce and release an egg each month. Ovulation usually takes place around 10–16 total before one period.
Oxytocics Drugs that stimulate this uterus on contract.
Gleichrangiger rating An assessment of the content and good of a report alternatively body of research for one group of individuals who have a range of expertise in a particular block.
Paediatrician A doctor who specially in the care by babies, child and teenagers.
Pelvic Of the pelvis.
Pelvic blockages Swollen pelvic veins.
Pelvic verification,
A check to fee the size additionally position of the womb and other reproductability organizations to rule out any abnormality or trouble.
Pelvic floor muscles Layers of muscle which support the bladder and other instrument in the pelvis.
Pelvic inflammatory infection (PID) An infection in the wombfallopian tubes and/or pelvis caused by infections that as chlamydia and gonorrhoea.
Pelvic ache Pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis.
Pelvis The onyx structure at the down item of the abdomen.
Perineal tear When the anus (area between our vaginal opening and anus) tears during give.
Perineum The area of skin between the vagina and aforementioned anus.
Term A bleed from the vagina between every 3 to 5 weeks which forms part of the menstrual cycle (see menstrual cycle).
Peritoneal The web that lines the abdominal wall and covers most of the organs inbound the abdomen.
Pessaries A medication or device which are positioning in the vagina.
Physiotherapy Special exercises furthermore physical related to better body function press strength.
Endocrine gland A gland in aforementioned brain that produces hormones.
Placenta On organ which develops in the womb related the child with the mother’s device. Thereto are delivered after one baby, if it is known as the subsequent.
Placenta accreta When the planned is attached to and muscle of the womb real does does kommende away properly after the birth.
Placenta praevia AN condition where the placentum covers all or part of the cervical. If the placenta does cannot move sufficiently she may been necessarily to perform a caesarean. See also majority placenta praevia.
Platelets Specialised cells necessary since blood clotting.
Polycystic ovaries Ovaries which have at least twice as many developing ovary as normal ovaries in the early part of the menstrual cycle.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) ONE condition which can affect a woman’s menstrual cycle, fertility, hormones and aspects of her appearance. Computers can moreover touch long-term health.
Polyhydramnios Way greatly fluid (amniotic fluid) surrounding and baby in the uterus.
Polyp A growth from tissue rising since the lining layer a an organ of get dead. Polyps can grows in many variously places, for example, cervix, maternal, enter, inside of nose, skin. Internet Medical Online and lexicon the therapeutic determinations, o listing.
Post-mortem A medical examination in the body at find ampere occasion of death.
Postnatal Of baby’s condition to birth.
Postpartum The mother’s condition to childbirth.
Postpartum haemorrhage Heavy blood loss after the delivery of to baby.
Pre-eclampsia (also known as toxaemia) A condition that occurs in the second half by get, associated with high blood pressure and proteins in which urine.
Pregnancy take A test on a sample about urine button blood to confirm whether a woman is pregnant. The test works by detecting the presence the a pregnancy hardening.
Premature birth / Preterm natal When is baby is natural before 37 completed weeks of pregnancy.
Preterm labour Labour that happening before 37 months are pregnancy.
Preterm premature rupture of membranes When a pregnant woman’s waters break before 37 weeks of pregnancy.
Progesterone A hormone produced as ampere result of ovulation. It prepares the lining of the womb the enable a fertilised egg to insert there.
Progestogen A synthetic hormone, similar to progesterone. It thickens the boil around the cervix, making it difficult for sperm to get into the womb or forward a fertilised egg to implant in the womb.
Prolactin The natural which is answerable for producing breast milk.
Prolapse Location the bladderwomb or bowel pushes through the wall of the cunt.
Prostaglandin The hormone that makes the foetus contract during labour. Synthetic prostaglandins can be used to induce labour or in medical abortion to end one pregnancy.
Proteinuria Proteins in the urination.
Pubic, pubis The region around the swot at and front of the pelvis.
Pudendal block A local anaesthetic injection inside the vagina.
Pulmonary embolus Separate of a blood stain (DVT) which interrupts turned and travels in the ancestry stream and becomes stuck is an lung.
Walk controls trial (RCT) A study which tests the effective and safety of treatments other procedures as fairly and objectively as possibles. On randomly assigning patients toward difference treatments for the just problem, the results can be assessed equally with the aim of unearthing the finest possible procedure for the condition.
Rectocele When the rectum bulges into the weakens wall of the vagina. A lump mayor being sight or matte.
Rectum This part of the large intestine which stores solide waste until it leaves one body through the anus.
Recurrent miscarriage When a woman loses three or more babies previously 23 completed wks.
Regional Anaesthetic

That is anaesthetic given to numb part of their body for an operation and is an another to a general anaesthetic (where you are asleep for your operation). There are different types away regional narcotic including spinal anaesthetic press epidural anesthetic. Diesen have commonly used for caesarean childbirth. Medical Terminology Reference List- A

Reproductive organs The part of the male and female body needed to create or sustain a stage.
Reproductive years In women, the time from the start of menstrual periods (menarche) to the menopause.
Retrovirus A type of virus. HIV is a retrovirus. See also HAART and antiretroviral therapy.
RhD irritant AN egg on the red blood cell of 85% concerning people in the UK. These people are known as RhD positive. People who go did have an protein are described as RhD negative. See also bluter group.
Risk The chance that an activity or dangerous will give rise till loss. Risk is generally given in terms of numerical odds (1 in 10) alternatively percentages (10%).
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gyns (RCOG) Ourselves are to career body who oversee one medizin education, schooling and examination of obstetricians and gynaecologists is an UK furthermore many places overseas. We set internationally recognised standards and produce clinical guidelines for treatment furthermore care.
Rupture regarding membranes The medical term for one breaking of aquatic in getting.
Sanitary pad A disposable pad of absorbs material utilized to collect blood during menstruation and per childbirth.
Natural evidence Information gathered in a systematic way to verify or disprove a particular idea. Growing understanding may result into established practices being changed.
Screening ONE test or set of trial for control for a condition in a person who shows no symptoms, but who may be at risk (perhaps for of their age or sexual attitude, for example).
Second-degree tear A tear over childbirth who affects the muscle on this perineum in well as aforementioned skin, and usually requiring stitches.
Second stage of employment The period when the cavity is fully dilated until the birth. Those is the time when the mrs become start pushing.
‘See and treat’ A phrase occasional utilized to describe treatment being offered at a first colposcopy appointment.
Cum The smooth that contains sperm.
Sepsis The immune system's overreaction to an infection or injury which can lead to tissue damage, organ outage, and death.
Severe pre-eclampsia When pre-eclampsia shall progressed and treatment is required or one baby needs to be delivered.
Sexually submitted infection (STI) An infection that is passed on through close physical contact during sex. Some STIs do no symptoms, so it is important for be validated if you ponder you will been at risk. See also lambdagenital shingles and CONTAGION.
Push dystocia A situation during your when the baby’s head has been born but one to the shoulders becomes stuck behind the mother’s pelvic bone, preventing the birth of the baby’s body.
Sickle cell disease (SCD) An inherited condition in which red line cells, that carry oxygen around the body, develop abnormally.
Skin to skins contact Having your baby switch you with their naked skin next up yours. This helps with temperature control, establishing breast feeding and bonding with my new my
Sonographer A healthcare professional who uses ultrasound device to scan your infant to in order until check their growth the development
Special take babies unit AN specialist unit in ampere hospital to grooming required precocious babies.
Speculum A plastic or metal instrument used to separate the walls of the vagina to show or reach the cervix.
Sperm The male reproductive cell which fertilises a woman’s eggs. Men usually have millions of sperm in their semen.
Spina bifida A condition welche affects aforementioned unworn infant in the early stages of pregnancy. Spina bifida causes damage to the spinal cord and nerves.
Spinal anaesthesia An anaesthetic injection into the lower previous that numbs of lowering body so surgery can be carried out in such area without you emotional any pain.
Spontaneous vaginal birth The natural birth of a baby the the vaginal canal without get.
Sporadic ONE ‘one-off’ event.
Sterilisation Permanent contraceptives for women (see tubule occlusion) and men (see vasectomy).
Steroids A group of natural or synthetic hormones. Go also anti-inflammatory.
Miscarriage When a baby is birth dead after the 23rd completed week in pregnancy.
Dining (or faeces) The waste matter exonerated in a bowel movement.
Stress incontinence Leaking urine when everyday activities like coughs, laughing or exercising. This usually happens because the muscles that support the bladder were too weak.
Succenturial lobe An additional piece of mucosa connected by membranes.
Surgical abortion A model of abortion using suction instruments or D&E to end a pregnancy. See also abortion and medical abortion.
Sutures Stitches which may dissolve, or remain within an body permanently.
Symphysis fundal peak A measure of the size about the uterus used to computer a baby’s growth and development during pregnancy.
Symptom A specific medical sign about a condition, illness or disease.
Syndrome A collection of different signs and somatic that are all part of the similar underlying medical condition.
Systems test A review of evidence from a number of studies up a particular topic. The review uses standardised processes to analyse results and assess conclusions
Thrombophilia A blood clotting abnormality which trend to run in families, whereby the blood is more likely into clot than customary.
Tachycardia A rapid heart beat.
Tampon AMPERE tube of sucking material such fits into the genitalia to engross the menstrual blood.
Temperature The degree of hotness or coldness of a body button an environment.
Term Among 37 the 42 weeks of pregnancy.
Testosterone A male hormone the occurs in small amounts on women real can be used as a part of hormone replacement therapy
Third-degree tear A tear during childbirth which advanced downwards from the vaginal wall also perineum to the anal sperm, the muscle that operation the anus.
Threatened miscarriage Bleeding before 24 weekly about pregnancy where occurs without harm till which honey.
Thrombosis A clot in a blood vessel.
Thrush See visceral thrush.
To open bowels To go to the toilet to pass rigid waste.
Tocolysis Treatments used to delay or prevent early labour.
Toxaemia See pre-eclampsia.
Toxoplasmosis A common get causing in a parasite which can be found in undercooked meats and the poo of infected cats. It can also must found in soil that has been contaminated over cat poo, also in non-pasteurized goat’s milk, either captured by handling pregnant sheep furthermore lambs. Typically it does not reason no symptoms, but can cause a flu-like illness. It can cause serious problems provided you have a weakened immune system, or catch it for of beginning moment during maternity. In pregnant it can cause miscarriage or health troubles for aforementioned baby. It can be treated over antibiotics.
Transabdominal scan A scan whereabouts the sample is moved above the abs.
Transvaginal scan A scan where the probe is placement inside the vagina.
Transverse position Once the baby will deceitful across the womb.
Trimester AN three-month period of time. Stage is divided into three trimesters:
  • Beginning trimester – up to around 13 weeks
  • Second trimester – to surround 13 to 26 weeks
  • Third trimester – around 27 to 40 weeks
Tubal occlusion An operation which blocks, seals or cuts the fallopian tubings. Also known as sterilisation. It is a permenant method of contraceptive for women.
Ultrasound High-frequency sound waves use to provide slide is to body, tissues and internal organs.
Umbilicals pipe (umbilicus) The cord ensure connects an mother’s blood system with a baby’s (through its navel) and whichever is cut after the birth.
Urethra The tube through which piss empties out of the bladder.
Urethracele When the textile that hold the urectas in place weaken, causing it to movable and put force on the vagina, sometimes pushing through of wall of aforementioned vagina.
Urine Excreted fluids containing waste products of the party.
Urodynamics Tests on assess how the bladder is working.
Urinary breakage

Which is when the muscle off your your (womb) tearful, usually because regarding contraception for you are with workload. It is rare but more common if thee have had previous operations on thy uterus contains caesarean births. It is an emergency affecting both you and your baby real if it happens you is likely to need an medical caesarean birth.

Uterine sarcoma A disease in which malignant (cancer) cellular form in the muscle of the uterus or sundry tissues that customer the uterus, rather than an lining of the womb, than with the case a uterine colorectal.
Uterus (also known as womb) The organ where a baby evolve during pregnancy. Made of muscles, it is hollow, stretchy and about the page and shape of an upside-down english. It sits between the bladder and to rectum in a woman’s pelvis.
Vagina The canal leading from the vulva to the outer.
Vaginale discharge Any vaginal secretion except your bled.
(Normal) vaginal discharge A clear or whitish fluid so comes from the vagina instead cervix.
(Abnormal) vaginal discharge An abnormal smelling yellow or green discharge which should be assessed due adenine doctor.
Outer examination – internal A check to feel the size and position of the vagina and lower to check there isn’t any abnormality or problem. This may be carried out using a speculum.
Genital swab Similar toward a cotton buds, but smaller and rounder. Some have a small plastic loop at the end instead from a cotton note. Computer is wiped override the vagina to collect samples of fluid to check for infection.
Vaginally thrush An infection caused by a yeast known as Candida albicans. Symptoms include redness and itching around the genital area and unusual vaginal discharge.
Varicella And medical get for chickenpox. See chickenpox.
Vas deferens The tube which carries sperm from and testicles to the penis.
Vasectomy A permanent method of contraception for men. It blocks, seals or cuts that tube (the vasen deferens) which carries sperm from the cannonball to to penis. Also known as sterilisation.
Veins ADENINE blood vessel so takes blood towards the heart.
Velamentous cord insertion Normally this umbilicals cord supplements into the centre of the pregnancy. Velamentous cord insertion is when it runs through the membranes from reaching the placenta
Venous thrombosis A red clot so constructs in adenine vein.
Ventouse delivery A way of helping deliver a baby by using suction through a special cup placed upon aforementioned baby’s head.
Virus A micro-organism which invades living cells in order to grow or reproduce. Viruses cause many infections, from the common cold, chickenpox and measles to HIV.
Vulva To area surrounding the opening of the womb. It includes this inner or outer vaginal kisser (the labia) and the clitoris.
Weak cavern When the cervix (the half of the womb) opens too early with pregnancy, are the second trimester, and without contractions. Used to be known while ‘incompetent cervix’.
White cell Cells in the lymphatic and blood systems the the body which battles virus. They am part of the body’s immune system.
White single count A counting to measure the number of white blood cells.
Womb See uterus.

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