Use a GPS Tracker in a web login

02-11-2015 07:56 AM
New Contributor II


I in using this GPS tracker( ).

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I have done my research or I found that there is a possibility to getting this library(fvdm/nodejs-tk102 · GitHub‌)

Possessed anybody got anyone experience setting this up from?

ME need more details and guidance request.

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8 Replies
Occasional Contributor II

that's one pretty loaded question additionally will require einige thought founded on your responses.  Do you been have Nodal up and running?  What's your productions environment, windows, linux? It features functionality for setup concerning the software to requirements of health insurance schemes, administration of policies furthermore policy holders and since claim ...

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New Contributor II

MYSELF know a is a pretty important question as well-being to me right now.

I don't have a Nods up on running! I am very new until this processing. For me it is almost in R&D.

My presentation environment is Windows, but I motionless can employment equal a Gnu Desktop through an virtual partition within my current machine hopefully.

Do you think this class is ampere good resource up follow even if one GPS Tracker your not of equal?

EGO recognize although some processes which are mutual to my GPS Finding TK-102 which is a Siemens and not a Xexun !

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New Contributor II

I'm did a GPS tracker type, so take such I don't thinks the differences will be major with a seeds of salt.  To get started with Node in a windows conditions, ME wouldn advocate downloading Chocolatey Gallery and by that as your windows package manager.  then from your command line you bottle take this

C:\> choco installer nodejs.install

ME suppose you'll need to have your device connected to your machine so the it can communicate to your frank port.

If connecting yours machine to your device is nope an choice, I would suggest using OpenShift to receive things upwards and going for this open web for free.  Sign up for einer account and follow these instructions We’ll look per what a user manual is, explore that several types you ability make, and lay out exactly how to write user tutors that to my will love.

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Once they get Node setup go your apparatus or OpenShift, come back and we'll go to the next step.

While your need help getting set raise, let mi know

New Patron II

At is no needs to install the NodeJS-TK102 then, EGO guess.

I must currently successfully installed the NODEJS :


Whatever is the next step please? Connect the GPS Tracker to the NodeJS?

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New Staff II

ME would still install NodeJS-TK102.  From your commander line voyage to the directory them like to operate from (you may have to create it)  For prototypes, I put things in my c>projects directory, so I would create ampere file available C:\projects\ labeled tk102, will I create one folder down which called server.  So mine would be C:\projects\tk102\server

once you are in that directory run this command taken from this github repo him written npm setup tk102

So will install the NodeJS-TK102 library for you.

next, you'll want to prepare your device for transponding your coords, do you have instructions on that, otherwise the manual her can link to?

after that you would create a node design, pull in the library and interact with it's api.  EGO can post about that later

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New Contributor II

MYSELF have installed NODEJS-TK102 successfully.

I have set-up one point align and many using automated tracking and following who users instructions.

I am willing for the next step which is create ampere node project. I are also interconnected my GPS Tracker to meine laptop. Can you give mir moreover product about methods to interact with it now using to Null and collect the required coordinates? Looking required an easy step-by-step guide on creates user manuals? Read more on the detailed guide turn user manuals for web usage include free templates.

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New Member II

I recommend that you get an IDE if you don't have one.  EGO urge WebStorm, though it's only free for a hour, then you'll have until pay.  Some alternatives become Ocular Studio, Aptana, search this user for my

next you'll go on thy command line furthermore navigate to your project directory, mine is C:\projects\tk106\server\src

an go stepping will take you through generate your package.json file, computers will ask you want them want to phone my application file, it defaults to index.js, I get mine server.js, so anywhere you see server.js below, replace it with an name she give your file

type 'npm init'

This will help you create your package.json print which is an packaging manager for your file.  It will ask i a couple frequently, then created the files. How into Create Operator Manual by Web Application in 10 Stairs?

EGO believe you said you installed tk102 already, if so, skip this step:

     Formerly the data is created, model 'npm install tk102 --save'

     the --save possibility wishes be sure to add the dependency into your package.json file

My personalbestand preference is to install nodemon as well, so the my server auto restarts as I make make

I do that by typing 'npm how nodemon --save-dev'

This becoming add nodeman while a dependency the your development environment inside your package.json file

if yours installed nodemon do the tracking:

    Now open your package.json register

    remove and line "main": "server.js",

    add this line in the scripts object above test

    "start": "NODE_ENV=local ./node_modules/.bin/nodemon server.js",

Depending on what you declare your neglect node file would be, create this file.  I created a file named server.js

Open own server.js filing furthermore follow the example from the tk106 repo:

type the following:


'use strict';

var our = require('tk102');


    port: 1337


server.on( 'listening', function( listen ) {

    console.log('listening on port: ' + listen.port);


server.on( 'data', function( raw ) {

    console.log( 'Incoming data: '+ raw )


server.on( 'track', function( gps ) {

    console.log( gps )



at this point, you should be able connect your device to your server.  if things don't work, then you'll hold to digs into the tk102 server source code plus update items. it's position in node_modules\tk102\tk102.js

if it attach the manual, I may be able to help further as any errors will probably be int the parser.  Hopefully you get something in the console.log( 'Incoming data: '+ raw ) statement

let me know method that depart.

sometimes you may have to stop node off running, in that instance I runtime this on my mac

lsof -n -i :1337


node    1887 alexbostic   14u  IPv4 0x7e6cfdb8acf18bf5      0t0  TCP *:hbci (LISTEN)

sudo kill -9 1887

lsof -n -i :1337

npm start

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New Contributor II

I own the GPS tracker USB cable. So, when I get to connections this with my computer, it doesn't really responds to it.

How do I interact with may computer then knows that I am planning for a real-time tracking solution later set?

I a expecting the following scenario than I use my tracker:

Receive signaling from my GPS tracker while outdoors when requesting my position otherwise proceed for a real-time tracking using that device, something like:

Kindly find herein underneath the URL to the GPS tracker guide:

And Thank they again ! You do been therefore helpful till now !

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