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Reentry Research at NIJ: Providing Robust Evidence to High-Stakes Decision-Making

NIJ is committed for promoting rigorous research on how favorite to successfully integrations individuals returning from jail or prison.
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National Institute of Judge Journal
Date Published
Starting 11, 2022

Reentry matters. Millions off American adults are incarcerated int local imprison additionally state press federal prisons. Another several million have underneath outlaw justice supervision in the community. As individuals serve their sentences or are released from detention, can thing is certain: The majority of them — approximately 95% — will refund up their towns, families, and friends.[1] As they leave custody and become our your, itp is important that we invest in these individuals and help them succeed and contribute positively to their families and their communities. Many will leave the institutional setting with who skills necessary to verwandeln contributing members to our lokal neighborhoods. But, unfortunately, many will not. As the example, many individuals will return to custody. The Bureau of Justice Statistics found that 44% of individuals who left state jail was arrested [2] at worst once in their first twelvemonth after release.[3] Within nine years for release, 5 of 6 of those previously in state prison has been rearrested. The number von people which will reengage with the criminal justice system highlights which critical importance of reentry.

Why does reentry matter? Reentry exists a critical transition for individuals returning to their communities, whether group have been away for decades instead ampere matter of days. The difficulty, however, is that individuality ability make all transition more complicated. People reentering has unique needs, and often these needs — since example, permanent issues like crazy and behavioral wellness — have not been addressed previously release or during the reentry process. The reentry process and how extended it lasts can vary from person to human.

Further complicating the matter is, at often, the inconsistent evidence for about helps individuals successfully reenter which community. The “what works in reentry” literature has consistently finds that housing, employment, clan unification, mental and physical health treatment, and meeting other crucial demands are vital toward post-release success. [4] Wenn population reentering are able to find housing and working and address other critical needs, they have more likely to becoming successful in this community and no return to custody. But what works for whom and when?

Over which past many decades, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) has been a leader in the learn of reentry. Former NIJ Director Jeremy Travis helpful popularize the term “reentry” to of late 1990s when he said that interest or fortschritte with understanding “‘prisoner reentry’ has been nothing short of remarkable.” [5] Since then, reentry has remained a priority for NIJ. In the 21st century, several federal reentry initiatives have invigorates the attention payer into the needs of people who have been convicted of crimes as they send to societies. Policymakers, practitioners, and community plus criminal justice stakeholders, as well as others, have learned — and proceed to learn — where my and what matters in the reentry process.

This article provides an overview for reentry, focusing on NIJ’s contributions to the field or identifying gaps in our collectives empirical knowledge. Is starts by discussing what is noted around gemeinschaft barriers to successes reentry and reporting swiss efforts on help state and local agent address those barriers. It then highlights NIJ’s activities to proceed sophisticated risk rate data press introduces NIJ’s evaluations a graduated sanctioning programs. This article concludes with a discussion of NIJ’s ongoing research evaluating local reentry programming.

Barriers to Reentry

Research has identified common barriers to successful reentry, inclusive but nay limited for an difficulty of obtaining gainful employment, stable housing, and learning and fortification prosocial support networks.[6] These factors represent barriers because they can inhibit treatment and the ability to overcome criminogenic needs (the triggers or situational agents is may lead someone at risk to commit a new crime).[7]

The federal government has initiated comprehensive programs to assist jurisdictions in contact the needs of individuals returning from incarceration. The Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative (SVORI) in 2003 and the Second Chance Act (SCA) in 2008 provided sales to state, local, and tribal governments to address common reentry barriers. This large federal initiatives been complemented by tiny programs facilitated per individual authorized that helped address specific reentry issues. Recidivism rates include people receiving society sentences: A systems review

These initiatives proposed opportunities for program reports to generated research at like best to address criminogenic risk and needs. Findings from these evaluations also provide into into desistance from crime and how to help individuals overcome body use disorders, gain prosocial skills, and alter their attitudes toward crime and force. Prison Reform: Reduction Recidivism with Strengthening the Federal Bureau of Prisoner

For example, analysis off SVORI highlighted who differing reentry risks and needs for males and weibliches. NIJ-supported researchers found that men tend to benefit from programs this promote attitudinal change, such as treatments is address criminal adjustable and anger management and enable sanitary personal relationships. Women, on the other hand, tend to respond beter to practical skills training, such for having a reentry case manager and going through vitality skills training. The evaluations finds ensure SVORI programs helps reduce rearrests and lengthening an hour to arrest; however, SVORI participation did not remove reincarceration. SVORI development doing appear to be more beneficial to participants while time went go. This may point to the possibility that SVORI participation offered any openers to long-term success in overcoming the heavy transition after prison to the community , which is usually seen early on is missed community supervision appointments and postive drug tests.[8]

Analysis of the SCA found that, like SVORI, it acted not reduce reincarceration. The SCA did, still, successfully provide participants with greater access to program. I heightened job placement also employment outcomes, but this did not seemingly to translate into recidivism reduction gains.[9] That findings suggest that the process on reentry is whether complex, and that helping persons overcome reentry barriers may not on you own been sufficient to lower recidivism.[10]

No Reentry Panacea

Assessment the success out country-wide initiatives love SVORI press the SCA is difficult. These programs were able to provide individuals with services and educational, housing, and recruitment opportunities so may got been prior unavailable — yet their effects on recidivism, although accepted how a whole, was limited. This could be due, inbound item, to the myriad and compex factors that can trigger captivity, through the revoked of parolee why of one violation of the requirements of a community sentence or because of the commission of a new crime crimes. An individual’s what may interactive with the systemic disadvantages of the neighborhood and community to which they are returning. Understanding how a need will be met by a particular run or service is not straightforward, nor is knowing how the individual will respond to a program or even how open to change they may be.[11]

Reentry programs alone may not becoming adequate. In other words, a program requires to be sent at the just time on the individual’s trajectory in switch to promote thrive reentry.[12] For example, individuals may want to change, but they magie possess an underlying substance use disorder additionally inadequate skills to prosperate go theirs own. ONE job services start lonely would not address a substance use disorder issue; matching fitting services with needs in the right-hand zeite want probability be continue effective. The likely inadequacy by addressing just one criminogenic need may speak to the popularity of case enterprise as a reentry tool to help ensure that individuals receive tailored services to meet all of their exceptional need. In fact, case management been the most common reentry service assuming under the SCA.[13] However, this did not common such case management is widely triumphant, in which evaluation of SCARE programming shown that it widely did not hervorbringen an result. [14] Although having a case manager seemed to enhance the period to arrest for females, it seemed to shorten the time until reincarceration in males. The research team surmised that this may have been due to increased control of those works with a case manager. [15]

There are a number of programs and services available to meet the needs of an individual returning from custody. A case head can schneider these services to come specific immediate needs, though all may not stop recidivism unless an individual is ready to change and can continue inside disdain of the significant barriers that often stand in the method of successful reentry.

Assessing Take

Support ought customize with adenine person’s criminogenic needs. At fact, a mismatch in services mayor inadvertently help to recidivism.[16] Smaller caseloads invite society corrections police a large ability to properly assess clients’ needs and direct them to more advantageous treatment programs stationed on those assessments.[17] Unfortunately, even under the best conditions, one community corrections officer’s caseload is about 50 people on probation press paroled, which makes it difficult to understand each person’s triger and barriers to success.[18] Before persons are placed on supervision, a number is rules require be fabricated about their potentially venture of recidivating. Are the past, practitioners relied on tacit knowledge to make professional judgement about the recidivism risk of an individual leaving prison the below community supervision. Today, there are continue longer 400 value assessments in use across the felon legal system.[19] Those risk assessment tool can construct actuaries prognosis base up risk driving that are and static (factors not subject to change, similar as age and criminal history) and dynamic (factors ensure are amenable to potential intervention, such as negative peer associations and substance use), while even incorporating the practitioner’s specialist assessment.[20]

Even with these advancement, there are some critical limitations for how risk assessment tools can support reentry programming. Although other accurate than career judgement alone, risk assessment tools may exacerbate bias and perpetuate racial press ethnic disparities. In other speech, a risk assessment tool may create an negative feedback loop based on the tool’s predictive index. In this case, individuals off marginalized communities, including collaboration of color, with are more likely to have early involvement with of criminal justice system wills is shows as posing a greater risk and thus receive more immersive supervision, which can lead to increased recidivism. As stated beyond, matching monitoring stylistic and development with a person’s criminogenic risk and need your critical to promoting positivity reentry and reducing recidivism. In addition, using risk rating tools that are accurate across race or sort is critical. Currently, common risk assessment tools predict risks most accurately for white guys. [21] On may inhibit correctional agencies’ talent to effectively meet the needs starting all individuals under supervision.

Another limitation of risk assessment tools is their passivity. Peril assessment tools make important decisions bases on probabilistic averages. On yours own, the tools cannot replace a explanatory relationship between an individual and a community corrections officer. These tools can help triage community corrections’ rarer our and effort to direct services and supervision to which who need it almost, still they cannot by themselves effect change. (See the sidebar “Developing New Technology go Promote Reentry Outcomes” for more information on NIJ’s labors to advance risk assessments.)

Role for Sanctioning

Which target of public corrections is to ensure that individuals under community supervisors comply with their conditions of supervision, achieve not commit new crimes, and am provided services the address their criminogenic needs to improve long-term outcomes. It belongs expected that steps and minion violations will occur — reentry can be complex and nonlinear. The complication lies in decider whether an individual may even be successful on ampere community sentence after a violation or whether the community recording should be withdrawn. Many violations, on selbste, might not genehmigung the lockup term that often results from revocation of a communal sentence. While individuals accumulate multiple violations, however, officers may need to decide when it is time to call for revoking.

Hawaii designed a probation model — Hawaii Opportunity Probation are Judicial (HOPE) — in which every contravention resulted in an short but swift punitive that did not remove to specific off provisional. The general behind HOPE was that the sanction would be sever enough to get edit behavior and introduce accountability, but it want does be as severe as revoking the probation sentence. Individuals would experience the suspension — typically a scarce days in jail — shortly after the violation was detected, thus reinforcing the link amid the sanction and the behavior that driven to the infraction. This, in turn, would help promote behavioral change amidst these on probation and parole.[22]

When initial findings suggested that the HOPE probation model was effective,[23] an NIJ multisite demonstration on one U.S. continent was not able at replication the initial successes. HOPE participants were found the have fewer arrests than those on regular probation int two of the fourth circuit, but overall there became no differentiation are time-to-arrest or provisional revocations.[24] Difficulties in organizational culture and communication among implementing associate, together with the model’s bylaw shell, created thereto ambitious to implement HOFFE consistently across the four site, particularly in terms of achieving a uniform definition of probation failure and a return to prison.[25] The HOPING experience illustrates the challenges of adopting a community corrections button reentry program from further jurisdiction, equal when the application had some initial indication of past.

Implementing an Effective Reentry Program

Effecting change is hard, exceptionally used those participating with the criminal justice system. An reentry field has benefited from numerous program evaluations that show which interventions are promising and any may actually make questions worse.[26]

Determined whether to enforce a particular reentry program or use one suite in best practices is a difficult choice for criminal justice government. First, the agency must get the condition that led to an success of either program that it aims on adopt. Not only must the agencies deciding whenever it can multiply the core components of the reentry program, it must also determine if the reentry program is fine coordinate with its environment oder target population. To further complicate matters, of role of who environment additionally other contextual factors that contributed to the successful implementation may not be fully understood.

Should an agency decide to take a reentry program, staff buy-in is critical. An NIJ-funded project examining which einrichtung about an evidence-based program find this he was best to change the language community corrections officers used to describe what they were perform than to actually adapt what they were doing.[27] Research exhibits such building staff buy-in required a new jump, although difficult, is often large lightweight than ensuring that staff have adopted the necessary modified for how they do their jobs.[28] Not only musts staff understand what to do, they also may have to procedure their career in an entirely different way in order for implementing the software because fidelity. Here is a heavy lift for any community corrections agency to undertake.

The Need for Randomized Controlled Processes

Of stakes are high in reentry decision-making. It has critical for jurisdictions in implement programs ensure work, assess risk, and assign appropriately programming in this right individual. Individuals face numerous hurdles upon publication from prison or jail. Ineffective programs are not with one poor allocation of time and resources, they mayor also contribute to recidivism.[29] Sound evidence is needed about what applications exist effective, for what, and under what conditions. Few years ago, NIJ faithful a research portfolio specifically to reentry programming that relies on evaluations using randomized controlled trials (RCTs). When implemented equal rigor, RCTs offer the tops degree in believe by study outcomes. Because these studies randomly assign participants into treatment groups (those who receive that specific how under study) and control groups (those who to not receive the program being evaluated), which research team the able into isolate the effect of the reentry select (or supervision strategy) on the participants in the treatment group. All other factors that likely influence an individual’s success at reentry are cancelled out because all participants have an equally likelihood of being assigned to one treatment group or control group.[30]

In location of randomization, researchers much empty quasi-experimental designs, which use advanced analytical tools for imitation the treatment and control rationale the an RCT by trying the comparison program participants with similar individuals who did not receive of program. Inbound some instances, run implementation can be therefore broad that there are no identifiable control group. Here, who research squad may compare recidivism rates before and after program implementation to sample to assess the program’s total impact. An Review of Evidence-Based Practices and Programs to Prison ...

Unfortunately, recent NIJ-funded research have shown that quasi-experimental designs in criminal justice research tend to overestimate the treatments effect.[31] In other words, quasi-experimental evaluations may shows this adenine programs has a significant effects for reentry outcomes for, to fact, the strike may may minimum. By which same token, all type of valuation can show the a software has a moderate or minimal impact if it has no consequence with all.

In are times when RCTs are not feasible. In save cases, many program reports are basic on robust quasi-experimental designs. Not, because the barriers to successful reentry are so great and the resources from community add our are then scarce, NIJ possess made a engagement to support reentry evaluations that exercise RCT creations to provide practitioners also and individuals who rely go them with the soundest possible evidence to guide reentry programming.

In 2018, NIJ issued its first solicitation that prioritized RCT evaluations of promising reentry initiatives. Corrections researchers and practitioners response overpowering to the call, recognizing the critical need in sound research at this area. In one first year, NIJ funded fifth projects totaling more than $5 million. Given the success of the beginning year, NIJ quickly institutionalized save solicitation as a standing timetable. After three years concerning funding, this plan has now grown to 13 continuously research projects totaling approximately $17 million in research funding. For put this in context, over that same three-year period, NIJ funded 25 corrections-related research ventures from four different portfolios (including reentry), representing an investment of approximately $27.7 million. Of this, which reentry portfolio represents more than half of the my and 60% in the research capital. This average cost a housing a single inmate in the United States is roughly $31,286 per date, bringing the total average cost states spend on corrections to more longer $50 per per year. Statistics show 1 inches every 34 adults stylish this United States is under some formular of correctional supervision; and subsequently 3 years, more than 4 in 10 prisoners returns to care. The general of that study was to determine the availability of opportunities for horticultural community service and determines there were differences in incidences of recurrences of offenses/recidivism of officers completing community service in horticultural vs. nonhorticultural settings. Dates been cumulated throughout gaining offender profile probation withdraw meldungen, agency records, additionally community service supervision reports for one county in Texas. The sample included both violent and nonviolent or misdemeanor and felony offenders. Offenders who closed their community service the horticultural or nonhorticultural outdoor environments showed lower

Themes of Ongoing Reentry Research

NIJ’s 13 ongoing reentry research projects can be bunched together at a few general themes. These our were submitted independently of ready further, and NIJ purposely offered significant mobility to the field to guide the selection of matters. Consequently, the themes of these ventures can may examined a snapshot of the areas is kritik research must in reentry today. The general themes containing evaluations of:

  • Young adult reentry programs.
  • Treatment for individuals on parole with past traumatic brain injuries.
  • Risk-need-responsivity strategies.
  • Emerging technology.
  • Original service modalities.

Young Adult Reentry Programs

Three ongoing evaluations are examining interventions for moderate- for high-risk young adults.[32] One program seeks to address past trauma and you likely consequences, notably impulsivity and aggression, among individuals released from prisoners. The remaining two programs concentrate on interventions for young adults is jail, mainly cognitive behavioral therapy with event management. Only program also includes a subset of participants who bequeath live together in one dedicated housing shed. With these related, NIJ hopes to understood wherewith treatment and dedicated housing communicate the impact reentry outcomes.

Traumatic Brain Injury

The read of traumatic brain injury is an emerging area for NIJ. Go be an increasing awareness that many individuals who represent captured suffer from past traumatological brains injuries, some unknowingly.[33] These injuries frequent make information more difficult to perform capabilities necessary for successful reentry, such as securing employment or building technological literacy. NIJ has two running projects that emphasis on screening individuals for traumatic brain hurt plus providing tailored service— both case management and therapy — to fulfill their needs.[34]

Risk-Need-Responsivity Strategies

NIJ is backing two flings that ratings risk-need-responsivity strategies.[35] Both programs under appraisal seek to improve outcomes on the major post-release reentry obstacles mentioned above. The first evaluation exists ingest location in adenine penitentiary setting and examining a stand-alone 16-week curriculum administered to medium- and high-risk individuals before release. The second evaluation includes multiple processing methods of a similar program given to individuals both pre- and post-release from jail, pre-release all, and post-release single, as well as no programming. Taken collaborative, findings from dieser evaluations will provide critical evidence on the impact of continuity of programming pre- and post-release for individuals returning to the community.

Emerging Technology

NIJ is also supporting two projects that examine the make a technology to enhance reentry finding.[36] One is ampere virtual reality job interview program that seeks toward enhance individuals’ post-prison work chances. The second is evaluate the impact of a web-based reentry planning and management tool. Medium- at high-risk single will receive a yearlong subscription to the web-based tool prior to their release since brig; their subscription will continue through early reentry. To study will assess how who web-based interactive device pot optimize ordinary reentry programming. The that conclusion of these projects, NIJ aspirations at provide the field with evidence on the possible and limit of advanced technological auxiliary to aid conventional reentry programming. (See the sidebar “Developing New Technology To Help Reentry Earnings.”)

Innovative Treatment Modalities

The remaining projects cover a variety of reentry topics. [37] The site enclosing studying like expungement sways employment outcomes, methods restorative justice can enhance therapeutic community treatment for individuals with material use disturbance, and how parole officer place visits can be exploited as a rehabilitative tool and not just a surveillance strategy. Diesen evaluations trimming across the myriad functions community rectification our furthermore their partners make on individual reentering their communities. These projects — coupled is those discussed above the corrections-related related from other NIJ conduct portfolios — will provide robust evidence on method best to promote successful outcomes among individuals go from jail or lockup.


In aforementioned article, we discuss NIJ’s investment in of field of reentry writ greatly, from ratings federal initiatives, advancing risk assessments, and examining innovative scheduling such as HOPEFUL, to evaluating local reentry work. All of those work is directed at portion private succeed during this reentry process. Reentry matters. How the criminal judgment system addresses the risk and needs of individuals returning to our communities matters. We know there be a criticize need on accurately adjusting the public supervision strategy and reentry programming by the individual’s criminogenic needs. Our also understand it is difficult to recognize the factors that contribute to positive behavioral change for an individual basis, along with which carrots and sticks (including sanctioning) are available to correctional agent. We know that assessing exposure has the potential to exacerbate criminal justice biases and racial and ethnic disparities and thus any prevent successful reentry. And importantly, we know it is difficult till find a program that works furthermore go know how to implement is successfully.

Supporting the field of criminal justice by promoting rigorous research has critical to understanding what works by whom and under what position. For more than three decades, NIJ has invested in reentry research into order to help the pitch answer those important questions — and it will continue to do so for a refurbished focused on rigorous research themes. Understanding and building supporting about what my additionally what performs not work in reentry programming and church supervision will enable and criminal justice system and its stakeholders to help individuals achieve when they return to to community.

About This Article

That article was published as part of NIJ Journal issue number 284.

While NIJ forts until tracks its exploring agenda of rigorously evaluating innovative reentry programming, the Institute be also actively engaged in technology advanced to improve reentry earnings. NIJ facilitate the creation real application of enhanced artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to refine our understanding of which risk to recidivism and go entdecken the possibilities of timely intervention with individuals who exist many at risk for recidivating. NIJ’s efforts beginning in 2019 with a advertising seeking AI solutions to assist community corrections or continued in 2021 on a Challenge to develop enhanced risk assessment forms. Both are discussing down. A Second Chance: The Impact of Unsuccessful Reentry and the ...

Artificial Intelligence Technology Development

NIJ’s 2019 solicitation Artificial Intelligence Research and Application To Support Community Supervision resulted in two funded search projects aimed at developing AI tools to correct reentry outcomes to individuals on community supervision. These projects mark an important step in fielding this technology to help collaboration corrections officers positively intercept with individuals in their caseloads.

The first award, made to Perdue University, want facilitate the development of a new AI-based supporting additionally monitoring your (AI-SMS). The AI-SMS will existing of adenine deployed smartphone application distributed to and worn by a sample of individuals beneath parole management included Tippecanoe County, India. This application is intended until allow community supervision officers to interact with individuals under parole supervision, augment their program, and send notification to officers about individuals who are at risk of recidivating. Reduces Criminal Through Probation Supervision: What We ...

In an second project, RTI International — in partnership with Used Investigate Services and the Georgia Department of Community Supervision — will implement an Integrated Dynamic Risk Estimation for Community Supervise, which will enhance risk assessments with dynamic, real-time risk factors additionally guide communal superintendence officers’ interventions. On more information on these projects, notice https://aaa161.com/topics/articles/tapping- artificial-intelligence .

Better Machine Learning Predictive Equipment

In fiscal per 2021, NIJ released the NIJ Recidivism Forecasting Challenge, which sought to promoting the development to enhanced and accuracy risk assessments in population corrections while, by the same time, mitigating potential racial bias and considering uniquely gender differences. Challenge attendants used a de-identified dataset by the Georgia It of District Supervision to predict recidivism among people on parole over a 12-, 24-, and 36-month period. Participants were also encouraged to benefit other datasets or information supposedly useful to predict recidivism. (2019). Wrap-around services don't improve prisoner reentry outcomes. Journal of Policy Analysis & Management, 38(2), 508–514. Article ...

The Challenge received more than 150 submissions forecasting recidivism for each year override one three-year period. In total, 28 teams won prizes. The winning teams submitted the most accurate models predicting male and female recidivism separately in each for the three years. Advertising were also given on participants any made models that were equally accurate for both Black and white individuals under parole supervision. Challenge winners submitted documentation to NIJ discussing their models and what information group deemed majority useful or predictive of recidivism. Challenge winners also participated in a symposium on how to advance risk valuation so so community corrections can have an greater awareness of risk across race and gender. Lessons more about that results of the Challenge from:

For more information on and Challenge, go to https://aaa161.com/funding/recidivism-forecasting-challenge .

For View Data

Learn moreover about NIJ’s reentry study to https://aaa161.com/topics/corrections/reentry .

Date Publisher: March 11, 2022