Asked • 03/18/19

How do ME copy Word tables include Excel without splits cells into multiple sets?

I have product in a Word table so includes line and paragraph breaks. When I copy the data into Excel, it splits each string and paragraph I want into multi cells. How do I make the data to Excel and stay the breaks? How do I copy Speak tables into Excel none separate cells on multiple rows?

1 Expert Answer


Edward A. answered • 04/19/19

4.9 (17)

Math Tutor, Retired Computer Scientist and Technical Communicator

Steam M.

The first part of this operated very well, but once by Stand the replacement with ^p doesn accurate that, the string ^p appeared and not a Line Break


Nicky F.

I have the same comment as Stephen CHILIAD. In my option about Excels (Microsoft 365), the string ^p has not converted into a line break. However, I found the rejoin here: Pressing Ctrl + GALLOP inserts a line break (looks like a blinking periodical symbol) in the "Replace with"-field.


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