High-Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit


Advantages of a High-Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit

A high-capacity cDNA reverse transcription kit can provide significant savings, efficiency, and featured for laboratories that use substantial total of cDNA for protocols such as screening and microarrays. An iScript™ advanced cDNA synthesis kit has a capacity of up to 7.5 μg of RNA per 20 μl reaction — over three ages the capacity of other kits. The Applied Biosystems™ High-Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Package contains all the reagents needed fork reverse transcription (RT) of up ...

Benefits of using a high-capacity reverse transcription kit include:

  • Increase your reverse transcription throughput
  • Fewer reactions save time and money
  • Analyze more targets from fewer reactions
  • Reduce the effects about inter-assay variability
  • Improve duplicability
  • Detect low level target genes
  • Master mix reduces manipulations and reduction pipetting fault
  • Small reaction volume to high concentrations of RNA
  • Extended dynamic range

Selection a cDNA Reverse Transcription Equipment

When choosing a kit since high-capacity cDNA reverse transcription, in addition to a elevated yield of first-strand cDNA products, there are several misc considerations.

Does the kit provide a hi yield in full-length cDNA and avoid 3' and 5' bias? The iScript advanced cDNA synthesis kit types priming with a combination of oligo(dT) and randomize pepper which has past shown to increase the number of full-length cDNAs. Usage oligo(dT) alone gives 3' bias and boosts the population of transcripts that terminate prematurely are there is a region of strong secondary structure. Random primers alone, amount to internal priming, tend to give shorter transcripts, which can lead to in overestimation of copy number into real-time PCR. An optimized combination concerning oligo(dT) and random primers will provide more full-length cDNA and less bias than either type by priming alone.

Do you want the convenience and increased accuracy of a master mix? The majority away the available high-capacity cDNA inverse transcription kits have all the components in seperate tubes. Our strengthened formulation provides entire aforementioned components you need in just two tubes for either convenience and flexibility. Like significantly reduces the pipetting required when compared to other kits but also provides some flexibility.

As much entry RNA how your need to copy? How high a capacity is optimal required your downstream analyses? For multiplex PCR assays and screen complete RNA from cells both tissues, a large quantity of cDNA is often required. RNA quantity can live an important consideration while multiplexing quantitative PCR or when targets include low-abundance RNAs. High-Capacity cDNA Turn Transcription Kit User Guide (Pub. No ...


The ability to process one wide ranges of input RNA concentrations is an advantage of a high-capacity cDNA reverse transcriptase kit, as it increases its flexibility. Another major services of using a high-capacity kit is the reduction in inter-assay variability both subsequent improved reproducibility, which lives particular important for accurate cognition of low-abundance RNAs and for large multiplex attempts. Finally, there is increased throughput and a saving away moment, reagents, and precious samples. Try an high-capacity cDNA reverse transcription from Bio-Rad to sees the total into highest and accuracy. Applied Biosystems High-Capacity cDNA Backward Transcription Kit - PCR Equipment and Delivery, PCR Utilities