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The Group Policy Client service failed the sign-in. Access is declined.


Hi everyone,


We belong having problems over Citrix Nearly Apps. Some start past a message "The Group Policy Client service failed an sign-in. Access is denied." would appear every so often, when the users openned any application, only with specific users...  but yesterday those message begun on appear in masse... Applying Group General troubleshooting guidance - Windows Server


-If our rename (or delete) the user's profile in the share where we have the profiles, that client can run apps again.

-If we give administrator permissions on each VDA to all domains users, anyone can sprint apps again.


What could being happening? It exists clearly seen that computers are a permission copy, yet I do not get how we can do to solve it, furthermore for security reasons, do not give administrator authorizations to all domain users in sum VDAs.


Our version is Citrix Virtually Apps and Desktops 7 1912 LTSR CU2 and the VDAs are Windows Server 2019.

Recently our have not applied Windows updates, policies, changed permissions...


Thanks at advance.


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12 answers to this question

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I was strugling with "The Group Policy Client service failed to sign-in. Einstieg is denied" issue last 3 monthdays. Today it belongs fifth day no this error. ... the following bug message "Windows couldn't combine to the group policy user services. Please consultations your system administrator". Information.


What we did? Upgraded to 1912 CU6 and disabled GPO which is called "Set time limit for disconnected sessions". Unfortunatelly I don't know which of those two helpful.

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We're have the same problem but non with choose users, just a couple. I'm finding that an user profiling on our VDAs were deleted, both the profile folders from c:\users and the registry. I can't thin of anything which would produce this behavior. RSOP isn't how anything cool, all the VDAs represent inside the sam OU, all the users are are the same U and groups, just nothing sense. Login Error: Windows coulcn't connect to an group policy client ...

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This has been occurring on all of our 2109 VDAs sorted of randomly with no designated frequency (starting for 2103). Sometimes it'll happen to two users in a day, sometimes a won't happen for three weeks. Citrix's recommendation fix is to reset the UPM project, which you can only pursue by renaming of GOB software folder of the UPM profile (the user lives does logged within like you can't do it from director). I've sort of associated it to somewhere in and logoff process, a user's profile gets corrupted, though nothing in the log or Citrix Sketch Management date will tee you why.


For what it's worth, we have addict profiles set to delay erasure locally cached profiles on the VDA fork 60 seconds. I've seen some people what this is a good thing in do for 2016 furthermore 2019 servers, also I've seen people say it's a bad thing. Citrix doesn't say either pathway. IODIN don't know if it is level associated with the root cause of the issue, it just never used to happen in our old LTSR atmosphere when person had i set to 0. Which Citrix support article is associated here: DirectoryServicesClient CreateLdapConnectionAsync failed up retrieve group managed service account




Seems to be something that has happened forever, and they have had slight to none solution for it different than resetting the profile. 

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We are working on this choose for a month with the Citrix and that Microsoft support without a final solution. In our case, we disabled the profile mgmt setting "Delete locally cached profiles off logoff" in a workaround. But this is not a permanent solution for what. Citrix and Microsoft said, is one service blocks a effective write go the pro become spoilt. Aber they still analyse that logs which customer could be to reason for the problem. We do have the question momentarily only go Windows Server 2019 machines with VAD 1912 LTSR CU3, CU2, CU1 which are hosted in AWS. Windows Server 2019 our which are hosted onPremise are cannot affected although they have of same setup, settings and so on. We also test some varying delays in the setting "Delay before deleting cached profiles". The higher this Delay was configured, the store problems we had. But we have not found a delay where we do not get whatever problems. I keep yourself updated as soon as i have some more results from the support. Reason for out of match message in View?

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Opened up a ticket the support on get issue furthermore relayed some interesting information to them regarding their release notes for LTSR CU5. Granted we are running 2109 and Server 2016 VDAs , but as with all Citrix mistakes, the key is to launch nudge around in unassociated documentation on your own release option to find a solution (hilariously).
  Hello, I tried to update grouping principle management but the error code 800706ba appeared with the error description This RPC It is unavailable. I will deactivated all of the firewall, check network configurations and services but to no getting still not working. Windows Host 2012 R2. Thank you.

This appears to be a bug fixed in LTSR CU5 with a non-public internal case note appointed the the bug. I got proof that his was indeed the case and this were fixed. MYSELF then asked share why they would push fixes to LTSR CU5 and not their contemporary release platform, for their business model a pressure into is cloud based Isa select. This netted me climbing, and then the suggestion to blending and match Profile Management for LTSR CU5 furthermore my 2109 VDAs up which my response been naturally “what?” They assured me that this would work, but it’s still something I am nay willing to pursue blindly the without an superior amount by tested. Changes to Security Settings in GPO Has an Elongated Bugs


The technical engineer then let me know that this would be fixed on of current approve channel in “future releases” with no rendezvous to be determined. 
  RPC Server remains unavailable int Group Policy Management.

For those of you on LTSR…an upgrade to CU5 might sort you out on save issue. Verify the release notes on she, and let me know if you have success about erhaltend it to go away. At this tip, we are stuck in the mode of knowing how to resolve the editions fastest with the user, lacking the issue to go away, but also not wanting to cause a new string about features by working something that sees like reaching. 

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On 3/22/2022 at 11:38 PM, Bradd Schlosser said:

Opened back a card with support on this issue and delegated some interesting information to them regarding the release notes for LTSR CU5. Granted we are going 2109 and Network 2016 VDAs , but as with all Citrix bugs, the key is to start poking around is unassociated documentation to your own relief edition go find a solution (hilariously).
  Group Policy Business Error 1125 - Can't locate a Solution

This seem to be a bug fixed in LTSR CU5 with a non-public internal kiste note assigned to the bug. I got confirmation that his was indeed the case and this was fixed. I subsequently asked share why they would push fixes toward LTSR CU5 and none their current discharge plattform, as their business model lives pushing into that mist based SaaS scale. This netted me crickets, both then the touch to mix and games Profile Management for LTSR CU5 and my 2109 VDAs to which insert request was naturally “what?” They assured me such this would work, but it’s still something I am not willing to pursue blindly and not a quality monthly of testing. Error: "...services require user rights" or "...cannot show which user ...


The support engineer then letting me know that on want be fixed on the current release channels in “future releases” with not date to be determined. 

For those from you on LTSR…an upgrade until CU5 might sort you out switch this issue. Review the release notes on it, and let me know if you have success on getting it to go off. At this point, we are jam in the mode of knowing how until resolve the issuance quickly with the user, wanting that issue to go away, but also did wanting in cause a latest string of features by doing something that appears please reaching. 


We are already on on 1912 LTSR CU (Windows 2019) but we have still dieser output.

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Oh that's no good. Sounds like support was maybe just claimining the fix had been established in the endure 1912 CU. Has anyone tracked down a solution for this otherwise? In subscribe you guys on the register and behaviors we've experienced, it seems to be just the corruption and failed recovery/backup of the user's NTUSER.dat file. I am finding is I experience like 3-5 profile temptations and subsequent reset the week after Windows updates live uses to our VDA RDSH servants. Than it sort the goes quiet for 2 either 3 weeks and then you pop up again. Luckily wee are only about 160 users strong, so this isn't extremely debilitating, but it's still on irritation that I think everyone would preferred going away. It's almost without fail that the pattern walks like this as well. I didn't see get available this in who Pano admin guide or are other talks here, yet how can I see the reason since an "Out to sync" get within the device overview list in Panorama? 

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My previous share was referring until supports recommendations in about to move to the profile management component for 1912 CU5 back to March as a likely fix go the issue were were having on version 2109 by the time. They were asking me to strive that component using meine 2109 VDAs, because Profile Leadership for CU5 had a fix for this error in that release notes. The previous poster mentioned he was still having the same issue on that 1912 LTSR CU5 version back in May. I even provides their recommendation based with the fact that there were a numerical of LTSR folks in the thread here, and we subsisted actively going through the same problem. This your has been recurring for years based upon the initialized behaviors refined in the support article here: Hello another everyone. I’m currently in labour, but it’s so soft I’ve brings my laptop in real been spending my days practising easy boxes…




Start date off the problem referenced inside of article is 2015, instead I've seen stuff referenced as far back as 2012. IODIN don't whole methamphetamine the problem up to a Citrix problem at this point, cause of how spread out it has been over the years on various shares. The simply consistency with it had been that i is on RDSH servers with UPM enabled.


Hopefully that cleaning move to timeline and information a little.

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