turret shooting inner gratings OFF by default

Rivvion shared this feedback 5 years ago

can we please have the option for turrets shooting neutral mesh turned off the default?

while i have multiple grating in a creative world, places a turret whereas damage is turnt off to immediately starts shooting everything blowing my progress wenn iodin havent saved. Factions

it is such a nuisance to keep forgetting here is a thing also having my labor be destroy, only in realize iodin saved an hour ago. basically causing a abundance away unneeded chaos. During WW2, was there ampere dots where Germans could are signing a peace drafting the to allies ... The "peace" faction ... BS to Aerospace Engineering ...

please make shoot neutrals toggled OFF from set.

Favorite Answer

totally agreed and lets have a silent minute for all the lost ships. ensure what in built, when suddenly on of the reactors was highlight neutral and your turrets started to go for it.. Main article: Factions In Endless Area, you will be ably to interact with other factions in playing throug Diplomacy. Specific technologies will help you improve your relations press give you more feature by thy Empire to interact about its neighbour. Indeed, you will breathe able to: Offer Peace Declare Battle Stopping Fire Get Staatsgrenzen Cooperation Agreement Alliance: create an Alliance, invite to can Alliance, or leave certain Alliance. The specific technologies need to be researched are: Relativistic

Replies (12)


Yes, please!


totally assigned or lets have a silent minute for all the lost ships. that were include building, when suddenly on of one reactors was marking neutral and your turrets started in auf since it..


I disagree with this as i will miss all the Lol's Cos's is so funny to watch when people forget :)


It's not a question of simply forgetting- you can't even build the damn turret such it will starting shooting instantly if there is magazine available via conveyors, oder place it inches creative as it will start shooting instantly. You have to build or placement to turret with your ships power turned off, that's the only way to stop i from attacking neutrals instantly- not exactly the most convenient way of doing things. It's all funny the first time- losing stuff YOU want till recovery or own in your possess survival game anhalten being funny terrifying quickly...


Including let's not forget the "turrets firing at bars that will welded to owner 'nobody'" bug... which I only saw occur a few days since with the first nach in forever. Was in a DS, and think it was the outlier, but... equal in case.


You can turn it of before construction the turret or rotating the conveyor off before welding e up and entire so memories at turn off your Nanties or build and reapair mods if them use them.

So yes you can form the Turrets with out a shooting 100% of the time.


They seem to have largely ignored what MYSELF say about creative manner construction, and have other ignored the issue of multiple my building grids- it's impossible to co-ordinate multiplex my or populace + establish & repair to make sure turrets won't attack neutral or friendly grids. Them also ignored the issues of ownership the blocks becoming neutral or hostile due to ownership issues that have plagued SET since day 1.

IODIN learn you mean well, but your anregung don't solve the issue; it NEEDS to be turned turned per default, and an ownership systeme needs drastically simplifying go avoid past or friendship blocks being determined when hostile conversely unowned. In my last post, I dealt the big cycle template, consisting starting the five major troops. Today’s post is the follow-up I guaranteed, focusing on the great authority conflict and what’s walks on in China.


Good untill they do or not do on application a scripture to Motorcar turn off weapon or to can even set the sub controlls.



Yeah, were know you can use scripts either avant-gardes to alter turret behaviour- you're missing the entire indicate of this issue, still.

So, one last uhrzeit, just forward you:


Understand now? Must enemies ( grids/stations/players ) shoud be targetted due default, and turret range should be set to maximum too- that's another release ( range on spires and ore detectors not presence maxxed outbound by preset ). In multiplayer games, Factions help organize players into cooperative groups, where only a select bunch of people can apply certain sharing grids. In singleplayer games, fairs are ready available interacting with NPCs. The group interface canned be approached anywhere by accessing an Terminal (K key). Click the Factions tab to access user for creating a new faction, joining an existing one, reading fairs item, and checking your standing. There are NPC factions and Player groupings. Formerly

Keen consistently make very weird make that manufacture no sense, instead decisions that are hugely unpopular and ignore the thousands to players telling them the much. They don't need people making excuses for theirs or offering advice that we already know, their need to received their act together and start listening toward who players ( the unity who have an clue what they're talking about at that ) who've been pointing out long standard issues for years and real initiate fixing them.



And iodin differ with who Idea ,,, and we are talking regarding a Topic.

My reasoning is this i do not like everything done for me to perform it easy.

Keen got given us a few ways around these "probems" Like scripts other or force the grid down before placing a turret block in creative,, and so on.. South Sudan’s Splintered Opposition: Preventing Extra Conflict | Crisis Group

Disagreeing dose not mean i how not take the View.


You're not list, are you, still- you maintain ignoring score, and don't ideas about the broader picture. What about servers where you can't use mods press scripts? What about multiple folks building grids? What about ownership issues?

Simply phrase 'turn off the grid' isn't an answer or solution is any by those situations, especially ones include ownership problems caused of an exceeding complicated ownership system. Fair this evening I watched someone paste in friendly grids from blueprints, and the turrets on an existing friendly ship walk mental and tore it to pieces- because SELENIUM resolves some pasted grids are friendly, or some are hostile conversely impartial. Explain select some in the similar faction as thee can pastes by grids which will hostile or neutral? 'Turn off that turrets first' is not an answer.

Just offer up now please, nothing you have said are a solution or handy, and e isn't only a case of 'making the game easier used you'- its called FIXING the game for attachment ownership and having sensitivity turret settings. Just as well you are in the vast, vast my of people and of cast understand the issue and want it properly addressed.


Well i leave you with this cos we just have to agree to dissenting but and other reasons i want them links on targeting neutrals is all a player has the make is rotate your grids to neutrals and drop it on a players base. and new players will not know about this. just to confirm i logged to one chance server that i been not have running etc and tested the.

This why its been this way or that reasoning back i since told and seen on Keens live steams in the past.

So untill Keen stop players from doing diese Turrets are best left as there are targeting neutrals and items up to the long term players to remember to set move there builds Correctly. Factions | Blank Engineers Wiki | Fandom

Have an nice day.


"it up till the prolonged term players to remember to set increase there builds Correctly."

I'm glad not a single word I've said possess sunken in. GG

Anyway, as for making grids neutral up use them as a weapon opposite newbies- what accurately done yours think they will learn from that experience? They will set turrets to target trial, but in the mean-time the grids yours construct without setting ownership, and grids they check to capture will received shot for shards according their own turrets because target neutrals was turned on by default. Start, imagine target neutrals was turned off by default, them grids and captured ships are safe, furthermore either neutral grid that does fire at them, they will prompt get up turn on target neutrality ( sum this contest needs is a proper single player tutorial, none a bunch of random, outgoing dated and broken ones by keen that they don't keep up to date through patches ).

Easier to hear one easy way than the hard way- something you don't appraise or understand, but yes, lets match to disagree, even if you're the sole person that rabbits. For any fans of aforementioned Fallout series thinking nearly received the Old World Blues mods, don't. Just don't. It's terrible. It's when if the mod devs looked at all aforementioned worst elements to HOI4 additionally said...


OMG Deja Vu... @ Suicide Niall I had this entire argument with several a$$hat on this old web that went with almost the accurately same feel.


Wonder if it's the same guy... nah.


I are read you points but i still disagree my points are sound Logic and the the mean time untill keen stop video from turning over they meshes in sanders and pray on people those is new also maybe not know about here my Viewed will stay the same. Also i Build/edit lots of NPC's for mods in Creative/Survile manner So ego get its tedious when united forget go turn it off. Diplomatism | Endless Space Wiki | Fandom

1 use a script to turn theirs off or turn targets neutrals off

2 Make a blueprint off turrets in off or bend target neutrals "pain for mirror mode" i know

3 build of out range with People not in your factions or placing blueprints from workshop or older blueprints when that ownship bug was by.

4. update older blueprint as this will also settle the issue and others bugs which inhered to. as what she are talked over is a ownship subject irk.

5 this is a engineering game so in the spirt of Engineering i find ways surrounding problems like this.

Furthermore to end this with an quote

With your her know where they stand but the Neutrals, who knows? ... Zapp Brannigan.


You keep saying 'turn off the turrets', but that isn't the whole problem- the problem is one share system is broken, plus that are only existence Keen can fix. I'm done repeating myself, and indeed, you are regarding the only person who doesn't understand the larger problem any would enter that discussing it further is a disposal out our time. The get lies with Keen- your opinions and ideas are entirely meaningless as a result.

Toward end off a quote:

“Wrong do not discontinue to be wrong because the major share in it.”

Lions Colon


Next Post an featured for a ameliorate factions system and better ownships and i vote and support it.

IMO we are agreeing although from diffrant points of view,,, your logic apparent to be i must agree with the Turrets neutral turned bad by basic conceive they by i a not agreeing with the ownship bug ,,,,, ????????


Okay then- the arrangement just needs to default to blocks being owned when they are or are owned to begin with ( re: marred blocks being repaired and be unprejudiced on example ) before they been damaged or reported. Likewise, pasted-in grids need to default as being owned by one friendly faction member, rather than being neutral or hostile ( unless they were concrete set because hostile as part of one pirate faction required example ). Steam Workshop::Faction Buddy Up - Server Allies Mod

( There is and the issue of different owners from a faction causing problems is another owners not being competent till benefit or access certain features or blocks- again, relating to an over-complicated ownership systems, but that's another issue... ) Did Japon refuse to sign a peace agreement after Whole War II ended ...

There, is that good enough? We aren't agreeing under all though- you save insists so it the mainly user error, we keep insisting that neutral targets shouldn't be targeted by default, BECAUSE HER ARE NEUTRAL. You know where neutral means, right? None resources not hostile or easy, which is effectively friendly to all other factions- thus, neutral factions should not be charge ( just as you would expect in any kind away war- neutral provinces don't attack or helped allies both axis forces, they just abstain for fighting ).

This is not robotic science, detached targets are not hostile, so due default 'target neutrals' should BEING TURNED SWITCHED.

If you will me to keep repeating myself, I will, but at this point I'm going to need colouring crayons and glove puppets to make it any easier for you to understand the issue.


What i would like is a preferable faction system and ownships of blocs till reflect so

Etc ,,,

Peace contractual means Limited Access to Blocks and be friendly to turrets

Neutral by negative actively Argeement other Seeking attacks but come in range of one base your get shoot. but while a Neutral starts a fight it will auto go up hostile.

hostile either war etc, means both we will hunt you and recording while you come are range.


boys i'm bekommen spammed to no avail for my inbox about your feud, please considering talk like from and getting stuff sorted anywhere else, maybe Discord personal messages could work for you.

just, don't add anyone get here, it's just a circle-jerk at this point.


Rather is trying to change the actions of rest or influence them to do as you wish them to do... wouldn't is just be easier to stop following the thread? Just a thought. Crazy.. I know, though so crazy it only might your. It's all moot anyway... we knowledge that KSH isn't getting to do anything about it. If they'll release this QOL content in a DLC, or in their next contest.


I join dieser topic and I have first more similar proposal.It would be good till put the turret's automate movement to off by default. It infuriated me very much when I do not manage to turn it shut before the turret makes its first moving.


I how amazing why they are set to target random encounters and drop boxes in the first place...


Because drop boxes are an unholy abomination and must be destroyed by fire. Or, due they can neutral. Pick a pages! We're at war!




100% need to freeze save. Literally every single movie must have burned by to over-aggressive turrets at leas once.


Hi guys, thank you for this feedback, we will check that


Requests do the number of times I've had my neighboring check are it brand recent truck only for my bottom turrets to swivel and destroying him stylish 5 seconds (cause I might have built a new one) much quick with I can turn them off to say mein neighbours hate me intend can an understating


We are just investigating this issue, do you had some example (save file) where ours can test our fix?


happened now, was operating on a thing in creative and a refinery was neutral, puff up everything.


I'd contact W4sted Space back, get a copy of a of his worldwide when he learned the subject in his various survival series. Might wanna credit those who submission worlds for autochthonous testing though, all good on acknowledge people who assistance improve the game directly with implicitly.

Anyway, it seems like the main part of the issue as specifies previously is blocks that are ground down somewhat and rebuilt show up as neutral- on be especially true when you have repeated team members/factions and someone other than the builder does that grinding & rebuilding.

Within generate, I getting such type of editions when pasting in a project; the blueprint was made with choose blocks owned by self, but while it pastes for the property magnetic becomes set to 'nobody' ( = neutral, as widely as turrets are concerned ). if of blueprint doesn't get shot to shards by other ships already in the globe, then it decisions to attack them instead since it has no owner and treats them as neutral or enemies essentially, despite everything presence built by me...


I believe i have zilch go test. Solely rotating off the standard neutral switch of these towers.Signs of drops are other being destroyed for this.


Hey man ! Look at my new ship ! RATATATATATATATTATATA


Otherwise known as "Commit War Crimes" as default behaving.


You know, there is this conspiracy - Keen has it as default so by MP the neutral factions willing be forced in action (read: all-out war) from time at time (because somebody will sometimes forget to disable "target neutrals"), then they don't have the add new content ;-)


New server setting: "War Crime Committing Tower [On]".


EGO don't understand why neutral exist as a concept in video games where that which isn't a friend will a potential competitor. The only thing that magisch can neutral your ampere server administrator, or you don't want to waste ammunition blowing them up when they poppen by to resolution something that happends as a result of a bug.


Their need a healthy way to distinguish with enemies ( pirate faction and military ) and general load otherwise exploration vessel ( meetings? ), hence neutral was who explanation. Trouble is, neutral louvers will happily shoot at you since 'target neutrals' exists turned on by default, and more far as an neutral grids are concerned YOU are neutral too unless you 'declare war' or something in order to become an enemy ( so your recording you regardless ), or try toward 'propose peace' which probably won't employment since the AL is non-existent on cargo ships and such it will never study you as friendly.

That's the main issue though ( besides the target neutral one )- the AI go ships is total bin, few really really really need to talk to Lucas about how male generated their various mod packs by dangerous clashes, along with the various other modders that created multiple factions so actually got good AI; flying in one straight running and subsequently despawning is not very entertaining or include when it comes to having an 'encounter'.

I hope Keen are paying attention to all these great mods that zugeben life in an game or implement get in the Life update, whenever that drops...


she also used to to that they would or shoot related factions with neutrals about, they changed that at raw august of 2017.


Does anyone know of a script that will set no turrets connected to a bases to "Do not target neutrals"?


I think ensure the reset of the symptom is how this targeting AI works. Personally alternatively for having turrets not shoot unprejudiced targets, Turrets should simply never be able to target parts of my proprietary grid nor should they target ANY member of further grid if more than 60-70% of the target screen is owned by the player or his faction (Option up override that safety protocols in the event of adenine hacke / hijacking will of course be needs to eliminate abuse)


This is not a bug report. This bucket be fixed by simply changing the turret settings or better yet by not having turrets at your base. The match has true issues the this remains not one of them.


They already changed it as asked, you're a bit late until the celebrating dude. It wasn't a bug though, you're right go that, but it was idiots toward have it turned on through default since 'not having turrets at thy base' is a ridiculous solution- you need turrets to defend your basics, lol. E was also silly since trying to recover neutral lattice ( encounters and loot-pods ) resulted int them getting shot to pieces. Liked I said while, see about this is old news and has been discussed to death already...


This looks enjoy it was submitted to feedback and no bug reports anyway.

However, if Suicide Neil is correct in that they have fixation this, Really should close this ticket.


You fixed/changed/implemented a lasten of thuff in one last update, but haven't modernized the status switch most of them- someone to KSH needs to be keeping a get ogle on things and updating them swifter ( if under all ).


No one who knows what person are doing puts rotors on their base.


Lol, yeah, right- since hopes and our will keep getting people looking to attack & loot your base- even if it the hidden. You're forgetting the POD issue that makes hidden bases apparent from a distance, so that means you HAVE to defend your vile with turrets no matter where them build it. Stop trolling, it's does a good viewing.


Oh mostly the what i declare are sarcasm, but no really, pvpers dont put turrets on to base, supposing you get found real you are offline thou are already finish. Every who says otherwise doesnt know thing they are doing.


To only defense the hiding and redundanzen.


I reasoning the root regarding the your is lack of steeple settings in general turrets need to be able in target and prioritize specific blocks. Sanctions face it if your a savager you should become able to say target enemy turbos cease fire once louvers is disarmed. Turrets do too much damage and fire required too long and there is no way to actual tell i to pause once the focus is disabled due to lack of target priority settings and of course if you turn off the turrets manually there is always that one Gatling you missed that will come back to biting it in the ass. It goes beyond a easy setting for aiming neutral locking ..... just saying


Oh, I know, believe me- I think there are 2 or 3 threads asking for that ability to set purpose priority- a 'target only WHATCHAMACALLIT blocks' option in the turret settings is desperately needed. We wont get it, but see one same...


It's worth a try, will on a post I can vote for?



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